Monday, January 9, 2012

Travel the road

happy mare, on the road homeward

Firstly, I wish to thank all my friends here that have kindly supported us with sentiments of healing and mails of encouragement. We are doing much better after our shocking loss. We've been on the hunt for a furry companion and also, been open to one "Finding us". The whole heart rendering event has caused our eyes to open to  others needs- that is a real blessing.
Focusing upon others is very healing in itself... it is proven to be "an instant reward",  giving of time and monetary resources .
 We all travel the road of life and must navigate twists, turns and endure unexpected "Pot Holes" that cause damage/loss sometimes.
 Strange but, it truly wasn't just the loss of our pet, it became a BIGGER -generalised loss- that kinda overwhelmed us. It is making us face down many areas in our marriage and life that NEED ATTENTION. It has become the forced change- that is motivating chosen change!

Traveling this road of "LIFE" much easier and sweeter, because of the company along the way. Those that come alongside in kindnesses and encouragements are the road crew, if you will, marking the turns ahead clearly, and helping fill in the pot holes of roads traveled frequently.

Wa mare and other horses of the stable have been interested beyond the fence line of thier stall runs

I have had some neat, new learning processes helping me- to help my mare these days as well. I love the Jane Savoie "Motivation  from Moshi".  I get the free e-mails from her every month and sometimes, that includes VIDEOS! I am a hands on can  try to tell me something 3 times or,  you can show me once!

This New Years greeting from her and Moshi was exceptional!! It confirmed my new motto...that was inspired by my HOPE radio station's quote-of needing to MOVE AWAY from where you  curently are, to  make successful change.
See Jane's  inspiring rendition by going to her site and signing up for 'Motivation by Moshi".
Last month Jane had helped me learn the sensitive art of flexations. It is a much smaller a motion asked of the horse than I realised. The rewards of a loose, flexible poll in your horse -are great! A gateway to the rest of the body.
My mare has had such a different response to learning and me asking certain things- that caused her to freeze up or become rigid before.
The other discovery was when My sister sent me "The Intentional Horse" link that had the " TTouch" method of using the "Body Wrap" for ground work.
I've since borrowed a book by Linda Tellington-Jones that I hope to be a major source of change for both my mare and me.
 Funny thing is: I use so much of her ways,  already - unknowingly!!
Some I've gleaned from body workers I have hired, some from my sister..and the rest from my mare directly, as I touch her and she responds. It will be GREAT to now apply the training directly/correctly with the intention of learning, healing and trust.

With not having much energy to ride the past 2 weeks, I have resorted to groundwork and massage-taking short rides out, only on nicer days. The massage, I have found has truly energised the mare. It released any tensions she may have had. As I skim this "TTouch  behaviour training book", I now see how much I have improved her, by all the massage. I mean I KNEW IT WAS HELPING..but now I know why I have had breakthroughs.

Like  a day ago, our last ride out, we took our time...though I tested her resolve by thinking trot, right after I got on. NOTE: I had let her buck and roll in the arena before I tacked up...and boy did she ever buck and roll!!
So after jumped on my bareback softsaddle- Not only did she trot willingly off..she  offered a brisk canter as well, once we turned the corner to the straighter trail. The mare also high blew her air out and I knew- she was with me all the way! She then ascended the slippery slope down to the other trails. There was no balking, no hesitation, just my mare picking and choosing her own way down a muddy trail with me resting my hands upon her withers in agreement,  that she could choose the right steps without intervention from me. She had begun to "Fubble" immediately back in the stable, after I put the bridle on. She has only ever lip sticked her right side...blowing foam and bubbles out there. She over bends to that side. Recently, I have concentrated upon massaging that side, for her to be able to bend away from it. I also have been concentrating on poll release to the left more...this day>>> she foamed both sides!!! A first, and another first..she Foamed the ENTIRE time we were out riding the 7 mile loop! All the way back to the stable, her jaw (attitude too) remained loose! We had only 2 areas of stress and rushing on our ride. They are the places she usually does an inverted action and hollows and tries to bolt forward...a wooded, slippery trail. I concentrated upon lowered , balanced hands while asking for halt  every 5 or 6 steps by closing my upper thighs and breathing out. I only resumed on our path after she blows air out- in a clam snort. It is rather cute...her resolve to comply!
I love this...we are seemingly traveling A NEW ROAD!

 If I have one NEW YEARS GOAL to be had in my horse life with my TB Wa mare this is to gain the respect (which I perceive as qualified and earned trust)  in the arena, as well. Not a forced respect from methods taught to me in the past, in a manner of dominance or through boring repetition's that have caused my mare to have a sour attitude and much body soreness.

        A recent photo shoot, the mare was ground tied and relaxed~ keeping her eye and ear upon me

I am going to read this "Horse Behavior and Training Book" by Linda T.J. cover to cover, as I learn the techniques, and how to apply them.

 As I mentioned, I use so many already...Like the "Half Walk"  we recently discovered through the
"Balance rein".
 It is a rope or leather around the horses neck,  that can be used while riding in different percentages along with the bit or bridle reins.

I discovered it while trying to calm my mare's "rushing through" things she dislikes. Instead of using a direct rein to the bridle or bit- connected to her face, I use the breast collar  and a smooth squeeze of my upper thigh to ask for a half walk, slower pace. She is not offended and the sort of "half halt" action allows her to keep her head low- and creates a connection to her feet in concentration. The book shows Linda T.J. riding different horses with the rope alone, over Cavellettis and jumps. While my mare has responded to the breast collar..I will need to make one of the  "Balance Rein" ropes for us, out of climbing rope material. I need to be able to hold it off her neck and use it higher on her neck, as well.

Good things are happening... Once I got  rid of our recent saddle pain, the mare has begun to become more attentive to me again, as someone who cares and can be trusted. ( of course checked in with  feed, feet, teeth, environment too- as one always should)
I have so much hope for much more improovement. I truly wish to partner with my mare and achieve many calm and relaxed rides outside, and inside of the arena.


  1. That all sounds awesome! It's so great to work *with* your horse in a non-dominant way. I've also been striving to use less hands and more seat and voice as I ride, for stopping, turning, backing, etc. . . Happy trails!!

  2. Love the photos of Wa - such a beauty! Many years ago I read the TTouch book. I thought it seemed like common sense - don't we all get calmer when we are gently touched?

  3. Sounds like you are building a good relationship again with Wa mare. One option for the Balance rein is to use what the calf ropers do- it's a stiff rope that has a sliding adjustment, it's stiffness allows you to pick it up and hold it off the neck, or it can just lay comfortably along her shoulder line. A friend who used the Tellington methods had a little mare that she rode everywhere with just this neck rope. It worked great.

  4. My friend, might I suggest a rescue to look for your next furry family member at? I know it's a bit of a drive, but I love Friends of Felines in Salem. If you'll remember, we've adopted several from there. And not only are they great, but if for some reason the match isn't made in heaven, they'll assist you in finding another! This is also something we experienced. And, well, any rescue that will take two near death cats away from a woman who locked them in a car, went to the expense to save their lives and then adopted them out for a very small fee is quite wonderful in our book. It really is worth making a trip south. You won't be sorry.

  5. So glad to hear your heart is starting to heal after your sad loss.

  6. Nice post. Nice and positive. I'm sure your New Year's resolutions will be a success.


  7. My sister got a rescue cat after her beloved 'Harry' died. She was so distraught that I never thought she would form the same bond with another cat. That was six years ago and now 'Fred' has been of great comfort to her after she recovered from spinal surgery... he never leaves her side.
    Our furry animals are like family and losing them is so hard. Enjoy your time with Wa, it seems you two have a great connection and understanding which is a joy to see.
    I posted your parcel yesterday so hopefully it will be with you soon. Abby xx

  8. Sounds like a plan! Good luck with it. Sorry I havent been around gain!!! Changed computers, to windows 7, worst thing I ever did! Anyway here now.
    Really sorry to hear of your sad loss.

  9. Sending lots of positive thoughts for your re-catting search... I know the right future feline family member will come along, just when they should.

    Love your New Year's goal - mine for Val is the very same, except out of the arena! ;)

  10. You sound very positive about the New Year and that's half the battle right there. I'm sure you and Wa mare will bond even more than you already have. Wishing you and your mare all the best inside and outside of the arena this year.

  11. I love this post, Kacy. So positive and hopeful. My love and prayers are with you and B. in your search. You will find the right kitty or he/she will find you.

    Wa is helping you as you massage and Ttouch her. Best friends helping each other. Love the droopy lip photo. Complete trust and relaxation.

  12. I have no doubts you will reach your goals with Wa this year. One step at a time, that's all it takes.

    I'm so sorry about your kitty, it's never, ever easy to lose a family member, and really, only animal people understand how profound and deep the loss truly is. May your heart heal quickly.

  13. Best wishes for a new beginning.

    I love the second photos your mare. Cute and funny.

  14. You sound so happy...nice to hear it....or see it...???? I don't have much to say except. I just love your Mare, and the rides you take us on.

  15. Always love your writing. TTouch is definitely worth your time. The women is amazing and has such genious insight to how the horse is feeling and responding. I used some of her methods working with my zebra stallion to calm the flight reflex and the band to help connect his back to his front. What a difference it really made. Her methods are just another way we can learn to be closer connected to these wonderful creatures.

  16. Mellisa! YES...more "intent" and less working excellently with my sensitive TB mare.Glad you came by too!!
    Happy Horsin' and finding neat new ways of communicating for health!

    Barb~ YES...TOUCH is Ultra healing with the intent of doing that...I massage all my clients when they first sit down in my salon chair. It is a relaxing way for them to tell me what they wish or begin to unwind, or sometimes be healed of stresses.
    One gal I did an extended massage upon and used a magnet roller on too...she came in the other night and said she slept that night SO WELL- after that session!

    Shirley, I would like to use that rope...know where I can find that kind??

    AMY~ Thanks for that plug to our hearts to the "Friends Of Felines", we WILL take a look as the nearest adoptions Team Cats are like $100 and that would make a different hardship!

    Terry~ It get easier and then, sometimes you fall down again..but that jsut leaves getting back up- to look forward to.

    Carolina~ Thanks sweet~

    Abby! I so look forward to your parcel and making a post about it!
    I am very ready to LOVE ANOTHER furry again! My man and I have been on the hunt...but we know, the match making is from above..and we have to have some patience.
    Glad your sissy has her comfort in her recovery. There is NOTHING like that adoring attention a cat( or lap dog) gives, when you must sit around...!!!

    Cheyenne! THANKS DUDE!!

    Christian~ I do think of you and your grey as I trapse around the hills and dales..too bad we couldn't be closer...though Wa is very leader oriented and I have to practice -follow- she is great for taking out new horses, helping them trust and be calm out on the trails.
    YOU will be making your goals this year too..I just know it!!

    Arlene~ Thanks..yes..making sure I keep my positive focus in helps with tackleing rough patches!

    Wa is helping me but she is needy too right horse at the stable and she is ULTRA SENSITIVE to changes and she is not able to focus and wants to leave the property and not return. It's the only time I expserience a true slow walk- as I turn towards home..but it is kinda sad.

    Yes I am very thankful for your acknowlegment of is tough...we want to have another kitty to love, and have been looing, every week...but some adoption agencies want $100. and some want $12..the cheaper ones are very traumatised and mostly ill..the exspensive ones look great- but- that is very much out of the budget at present.

    Val~Thanks friend

    Janice dear~ Thanks for stopping by I came by your place(on mynphone) and wanted to write many comments to what you've been going through...hang in, I will too!

    LAUREY!! Hi ther girlfreind~
    I've loved using the TTouch...Glad to hear of your successes too. She seems increadible and so far advanced from the current trends..she has been enlightened for the health of animals and who they are instead of some of the "NATURAL" trend-who they can become "for us". I love the non agressive and the respectful handleing instead of assuming they have a human intent -to get thier way! They are animals with symptoms they exspress through actions..we can help or we can hinder.


*Thank you for visiting, I Love to read your friendly nickers below!