Sunday, June 24, 2012

Found Joy

Me 3 and mother holding Bunny TB grade mare- who taught the whole fam to ride!

While visiting my mother yesterday, she handed me a huge folder of photos....
I couldn't believe my eyes when I found this one.It was that photo I already have of me sitting on my sister's first saddle! But this one is NOT torn away, it shows my gleeful mother holding Bunny, my sister's first horse. I LOVE this photo!!!

That mare taught so many boys and girls how to ride! 3 of us girls in the Brown family. She was a school horse at the Lake Oswego Hunt Club after we learned, till she retired in her 20's and lived to be 30.

My fondest memory of how well she taught was the time a jumping specialist came to clinic the Pony Clubbers. I was about 11 or 12. They set up 3 in a row jumps, and we jumped them firstly regular.
 I am not sure of the correct term  for the set up of jumps, but there seemed to be one bounce in between them. It really was pop-pop-pop -over them, to the end.

Then we jumped them stirrup less. THEN- we jumped them with our arms out to the side! It truly was like flying on Bunny mare...she would jump anything you set in front of her..and high too!

I found so many other great photos from the 30's and 40' and 50's 60's and 70's of my mother riding various horses and some of my mother and sister riding too. I'll save those for a later time...'Cause I really just wanted to share this gem to my heart. 

I asked mom about the bridle seemed strange with the brown band w Western ear cut out too. She had gotten that brow band from someone that made it. A Boondoggle.

Thanks for taking a trip down memory lane with me!


  1. AWWWWWW - aren't you just precious!! I keeper for sure. What a found treasure. Fun to read about your younger experiences with Bunny. Found memories indeed!

    Praying God's continued blessings all over you, girl

    Patrina <")>><

  2. What a wonderful picture and such happy memories.

  3. Love the photo! You sure look like your Mom.

    1. I am a carbon copy of her...gain weight in the same places too

  4. Love the photo. How cute were you! Bunny sounds like that rare horse you might find once in a lifetime. She was so special. Thank you for sharing your memories with us.

    1. She was pretty cool.
      Though that said, the other things I knew about her was:

      she would climb the wall's of trailers, she hated my pony, Bunny was for her jumping ability as well as for the way she'd shy severely. She'd bite and once kicked my sister while getting a bath.

      All that said, she'd do anything for you! Won me 4 blue, 2 red ribbons and the high point trophy -first time I gamed with her at our local rodeo days fair!

  5. i cannot imagine having a horsey background. i'm some sort of anomaly in my family. it must be something to find a photo like that!!

    1. I'm so happy you'll pass the horse gene on Lytha!

  6. Priceless photo for sure!

    I was recently sent old photos of my mom and I riding together. They brought sad tears to my eyes as we were never able to ride together again since my childhood. We'd planned on it, then she was gone.

    1. Oh Jen,
      That's sad. I'm glad you did get to,while bought though. This was my horsin' experience with mom, her providing the horses!

      Is love to see your photo memories too.

    2. While younger...glad you got ride w her!

  7. That is a really great photo!

  8. I don't think you could have looked any happier in that photo- also you had a very good instructor when you were a kid. I have vague memories of jumping on a little while pony while holding up two fingers of one hand and I did a whole jumping lesson once without stirrups because of a broken foot, but neither one of them were as fun as the lesson you described sounds.

    1. Oh my...riding on a broken foot! We do love to ride!

  9. What a great photo!
    You look absolutely blissful with your
    pretty mother and your family horse.
    This one needs to be framed for SURE!

  10. Love, love, love this!!! Can't wait to pass this post on to my mom! She adores you and Wa mare and will be thrilled to see your mom with your sweet Bunny mare. I can't wait for the other photos!

    1. I knew you would too Jules, it is so nostalgic. Love to your mom

  11. What pure joy you exhibit. I'm so glad you received such a wonderful gift from your mom! She was a beautiful horse ... and lived to 30! Wow.

    1. My sissy know how to keep a horse, most of her TB'S lived to be 30

  12. What a great photo of fond memories captured, you are so cute!

  13. What a precious photo Kacy! You are so lucky to have that photo, and your fond memories of a lovely mare from your childhood. I can't wait to see what else you pull out of the treasure chest!!

    1. Thanks C!
      I love the history too. Mom has been telling us more since the photos came to surface.


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