Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dandi Riding pt 1

Dandelion, that is!

The trails have been in full bloom and brilliant for colorful riding times. Too bad they are mostly weeds, not good for equine consumption, or to be too near your nice fields. But for photos and such, they are brilliant.

July just flew past...whoosh! And now that it is August, seems things are still in go-go mode. 

My sissy and I have been able to go out for some very nice rides together. Some local and also- TO THE MOUNTAIN!

Mount Hood National Forest is such a diverse destination. Sandy footing mostly, though smooth dirt paths can be found as well. There are rivers to cross, lakes to swim in... and then, there is the P.C.T.- Pacific Crest Trail that runs through so many of the places we ride.
I adore where I live and what it offers for Horseman's delight!

My sister is now officially "RETIRED". 
 She sure has done a great many things in her working career;  Lineman for the Railroad in California, Professional leather worker/ seamstress for a number of local businesses in Portland, including "Portland Leather Co."
Polo Pony trainer / exerciser and driver of many long haul trips of various horse groups. She galloped Track TB's, back in the day before she was repelled by the whole thing!
She was also Jumping and Dressage coach, with a flourishing and devoted group of clients throughout the years. 

Her last 2 jobs were through the police; 14 years managing the stables for "Portland Mounted Police", training the horses and coaching the policemen and women along to bond and learn about their specific horse partner. She was one of 2 trainers that would prepare the horses for street duties.

my sister in white
She  spearheaded and developed a conscientious feeding program for them that cut -substantially-the rate of colic to the horses. Having done extensive research of the horses digestive processes and she is a  professional, when it comes to the facts of feeding, as well as handling and training. 
Yea, I kinda adore her and many other folks do too. She is someone too rely upon for any kind of care of the horse, never " lording it over you" that she knows her facts and rarely is wrong. She does  assess the bottom line issues concerning a horse's well being and soundness of mind and body. She's worked with some of the best teachers/trainers of the previous, and our current generation.  Good Horse Sense and beyond, she is my mainstay go to gal. It will be nice to have her in town in future, to help with things.

Her last employment was also Police related and was most difficult. She raised her son alone, with it's good wage, but the price of life given to it= was high. I am so happy she no longer has to be a Corrections Deputy! 

So now.....she is scouting the area for housing and employment in the surrounds of Portland. Her mother, son, sister(me) and horse are here. 
She'd love to manage a nice stable or be  in retail of organic foods. I am keeping my eyes and ears peeled  for her, as well as for a nice country place to reside.

Looking ahead and all around, we are now!