Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dandi Riding pt 1

Dandelion, that is!

The trails have been in full bloom and brilliant for colorful riding times. Too bad they are mostly weeds, not good for equine consumption, or to be too near your nice fields. But for photos and such, they are brilliant.

July just flew past...whoosh! And now that it is August, seems things are still in go-go mode. 

My sissy and I have been able to go out for some very nice rides together. Some local and also- TO THE MOUNTAIN!

Mount Hood National Forest is such a diverse destination. Sandy footing mostly, though smooth dirt paths can be found as well. There are rivers to cross, lakes to swim in... and then, there is the P.C.T.- Pacific Crest Trail that runs through so many of the places we ride.
I adore where I live and what it offers for Horseman's delight!

My sister is now officially "RETIRED". 
 She sure has done a great many things in her working career;  Lineman for the Railroad in California, Professional leather worker/ seamstress for a number of local businesses in Portland, including "Portland Leather Co."
Polo Pony trainer / exerciser and driver of many long haul trips of various horse groups. She galloped Track TB's, back in the day before she was repelled by the whole thing!
She was also Jumping and Dressage coach, with a flourishing and devoted group of clients throughout the years. 

Her last 2 jobs were through the police; 14 years managing the stables for "Portland Mounted Police", training the horses and coaching the policemen and women along to bond and learn about their specific horse partner. She was one of 2 trainers that would prepare the horses for street duties.

my sister in white
She  spearheaded and developed a conscientious feeding program for them that cut -substantially-the rate of colic to the horses. Having done extensive research of the horses digestive processes and she is a  professional, when it comes to the facts of feeding, as well as handling and training. 
Yea, I kinda adore her and many other folks do too. She is someone too rely upon for any kind of care of the horse, never " lording it over you" that she knows her facts and rarely is wrong. She does  assess the bottom line issues concerning a horse's well being and soundness of mind and body. She's worked with some of the best teachers/trainers of the previous, and our current generation.  Good Horse Sense and beyond, she is my mainstay go to gal. It will be nice to have her in town in future, to help with things.

Her last employment was also Police related and was most difficult. She raised her son alone, with it's good wage, but the price of life given to it= was high. I am so happy she no longer has to be a Corrections Deputy! 

So now.....she is scouting the area for housing and employment in the surrounds of Portland. Her mother, son, sister(me) and horse are here. 
She'd love to manage a nice stable or be  in retail of organic foods. I am keeping my eyes and ears peeled  for her, as well as for a nice country place to reside.

Looking ahead and all around, we are now!


  1. Hope she finds a place nearby, she sounds like a wonderful person.
    Actually dandelions are good for horses; they will often seek them pout to eat because they are a natural source of selenium for them.

    1. I guess I should have clarified Shirley , these are
      " false Dandelion ":
      , think they are also called " Devil's claw". They have been linked to" Stinghalt" in horses . I love the wonderful qualities of the " good Dandi's "!! Also a liver clarifier.

  2. Great header shot! Your sister has had some glad she can be close to you and your family. A true horsewoman! Thanks for the update.

    1. Like You, she has seen and done a great many things with some of the horse world's finest.
      Yea, my posting lately is kinda like "updates". Right now the work demand and the horse world demand are HIGH! Whew...summer is busy this time!

  3. I love your new header picture. You two look beautiful and happy.

    Your sister deserves her retirement after such an illustrious career. So glad she is able to be nearer to family now. I'll bet you two will have a wonderful time together.

    All your pictures speak of happy rides and good times. So nice to see you and Wa making the most of the summer.

    1. Thanks Arlene, I am so pleased to get that photo -ON my B-day- in the woods for a nice cool ride.
      My mare usually detests standing for photos, like really dislikes the stopping action...this time, she thought the red flashing light was peculiar!Good for me!

      Not too much training going on..just "trailssage" refreshing rides...working on "Passage" now. I(t is what we do when jigging occurs...we turn it into a real action!Making the most of summer~

  4. Really love reading such a happy, uplifting post KK!

    Congrats to your sister - she has earned her retirement, although I suspect it won't be very retiring. More riding and family time for you. :)

    Looking at your lovely photos and reading about your riding adventures makes me long for a left coast trip. If I ever make it out that way, I'm looking you up. You (both) are my kind of horsemen.

    Your self portrait shots always turn out so well!

    1. Oh yea, come to the "LEFT COAST "..that term really makes me smile C!
      We'd take ya out for such a ride in the forests and then, take ya back for a dressage lesson. I had one from siss the other day and she came up with a brand new= to= me= was so visual, I really grasped it! She is much like Mary Walness in her relation to the Bio-mechanics of what we do and how is affects the horse. I am really going to love the fact she has a nice arena this winter!

      I was inspired **by you, in that self photo department...You truly elicit JOY!

  5. What a career your sister has had!
    The flowers look so pretty, even if they are weeds!

    1. I know Terry...they are flowers too...those weeds!

  6. When I read posts like this I daydream that I hop in a plane, fly across the country, show up at your doorstep and say "Let's go for a ride." I'd love to ride in that beautiful place with you two wonderful ladies :)

    1. We'd so LOVE to have you show up too!!! We have horses and places for you to stay as well! Think about it!

  7. She`s had a busy time! fantastic life though! Good to hear from you again, nice to see you out and about.

    1. Nice to be able to sit for a spell and write and relate. Thanks for the visit, I ALWAYS enjoy you~

  8. I like to think of the weeds as wildflowers, they sure do make colorful rides/photos. Great pics as usual, especially like the mountain shot - what a special place to ride!! Congrats to your sister on a well deserved retirement!

    ps I've seen several hawk feathers out on the trail since your post, reminds me of you :)

    1. Cool...did you pick them up, those feathers?? I am now even seeing feathers on pavement in parking lots. They make me smile and think.

  9. So nice to be out riding with your sis! Great trail too!!

  10. I love the new header, too!

    It is so wonderful to hear about an equine professional who is such a strong advocate for the horse. May she enjoy her retirement and hopefully more hours in the saddle with you and Washashe.

    1. We both have cool headers we like!
      Oh yes...she will be enjoying herself, I am sure...once things settle a bit..

  11. Love that new header shot in the woods! Sound like your sister is a wealth of knowledge to have around. Looks like some nice trails out your way. Happy retirement to your sister and happy trails to you both!

  12. Hey Kac! Long time no talk, eh? I'm doing well, as is Jackson! I've been reading, and it sounds like you have had some real ups and downs as of late! I hope all is well with your hubby! I am impressed with your sister's career achivements--WOW, WOW, WOW! We all should hope to have ANY interesting job related to horses, and she has had several!!! IMPRESSIVE!
    I've been meaning to ask---did it work out with the Konclusion (SP?) treeless saddle? If not, what are you riding now?
    We are looking for horse #2, and are actually looking at a gaited Tennessee Walker/QH. My other half needs a gaited horse due to being an athlete (Olympic caliber) for many years, and now the joints need smooooothness!
    I really want to get blogging again, I'd say it's time, yes? :)
    <3 --Mindy

    1. Mind darling!
      I'll have to mail you more in depthly...but so great to hear from you!!
      The ANSUR Co. Makes beautiful saddles...but the owners do.t know how to help people figure out
      " saddle fitting". I think they believe there is no need . My ANSUR KONKLUSION, was a TERRIBLE match for Wa and hurt her withers, neck and back. I still have it , but don't know if ill ever have a horse it'll fit. It needs a barrel backed horse, with no protruding wither.

      So, I have loved riding in my Cashel, soft saddle. It's a bareback stirrups.
      I'll mail you what's REALLY BEEN behind all the scenes!!

  13. Kac---Yes, do email me when you find the time....
    I have missed you out of all my blogging buddies, many of whom I keep up with on Facebook..... Maybe you'll just have to come down to Florida and visit this winter so we can catch up properly--we have lots of horses you could ride at my new(ish) barn! :)

  14. Beautiful happy smiling faces... love all your photo shots! lovely color those weeds have against the green backdrop. I also love the header shot. All that green. especially those ferns.

    I am thrilled that your sis gets to be with you now. I agree...she deserves her retirement. Wow! what a history of employment. I pray she finds the perfect fit - for home and work. She already has the perfect family!

    hugs to you my 'horsey' friend
    Patrina <")>><

  15. Hey Kacy girl! What a grand post - sorry I am late to this party but I am coming to the Left Coast too with the whole gang to ride your gorgeous trails. What a fabulous post about your sister - how interesting and diverse - especially the police horse training and feed program revamp. How that appeals to me! I think that would be a dream job to teach policeman and women to bond with their lovely equine friends and helpers.

    Your rides and Mt. are just divine. You are one lucky horsewoman and I am most thrilled for you because you see the beauty and enjoy the fragrances and notice the sounds. Love to Wa and Pantz and Bman and everyone from you Pennsylvania friends

  16. Such an enjoyable post. Loved the beautiful photos! Fascinating reading about your sister. What an impressive career!

  17. Gorgeous photos - what an environment to ride in! :D

  18. Thanks Jules!!!
    We would have so much fun riding. When I come to the Right Coast, you'll be my destination too!


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