Saturday, January 19, 2013

A first and second

Crows looming in the blue

With the lovely looking skies this week, I thought a second ride would be nice. But, there was an inversion with the weather from city to country. There usually is. If it's nice in town, it very well could be cruddy in the country. But the "NICE" look to the day from my window, got me going.
 It is FREEZING still and reported to be one of the coldest January's in history, for Oregon. Oh yea.
I went for it anyway, though ice was falling off the trees as if it were hailing. I wanted to try the new/old Tristan saddle I got from ebay.

I opened the full run to the mare the day before and found her and her Theo buddy taking a nap out in the trees.

 The day I opened it up, she was so happy to have the room to move, she did a -ring around the rosey- (tree) about three times!

Again, the mare was not pensive tacking up at all...sweet.  I did add another hole to the leathers on near side, first billet. With the sheepskin girthcover, it's a stretch to reach the normal first holes and that makes her cranky when I pull it tight- right off the bat. So adding the extra hole adds a nice loose choice for when we begin saddling and after I dismount, at the end of the ride.

I knew I only had time for a couple more "up and back" just around the perimeter of the stables so I used my all weather halter bridle...she got very strong around the stables our first ride, and I didn't want any bolts. ANGEL MARE...was perfectly happy to walk back and forth...and when we stopped, only 15 minutes after we started, she looked around for her treat I promised, with white lipstick!

I LOVE***the way this "new to me" saddle feels! It was a great saddle find my sister made, and I followed through with. Nice to have stirrups again. 


  1. So glad you like the new old Tristan...I love mine. How sweet that you and Wa are back at it.
    Yeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! She is such a good girl.

  2. Back in the new/old saddle again...Cute head shot!

  3. Wonderful! So happy the saddle is working out for you and Wa mare. She's such a good girl she deserved her treats.

  4. I love the sweet picture of Wa ready for her treat.

  5. Sounds like you guys are having a good time :D

  6. What a joy to be enjoying your *new* saddle!

  7. Angel Mare is right! I hope to comment on all three posts here if I can!

    Love the D'Apple story. What a great horse. So glad your sister saved her. Teeth look like bitless will be the very thing! I know you know! Love that horse - how willing and sweet. Happy to be saved and have apples!

    So glad you and Wa are back riding - slowly inching your way through feet cleaning (so Good Wa) and tacking and slowly riding. You two will be back again anytime. Wonder Wa - Angel Mare - perfect girl!

    1. I know blogger (Google) has given everyone fits! Me too, tried for 2 wks to lost my blog!

      Thanks for trying again!! And succeeding!
      If have D'ap in a bitless, you know it! I wish, but she's not mine.
      Yes, it's glorious to have my riding therapist back!

  8. extra hole for the girth - haha! ours would need about 3 extra holes right now. ; )
    - The Equestrian Vagabond

    1. I use the fluffy ( BIG) sheepskin girth cover in the winter, after I've shaved her thickens her girth by a couple inches!
      Yes, yours have thick -furry -girths, of their own!!


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