Sunday, February 10, 2013

All Ears

While I couldn't upload (ARG!!) the cool photo of Wa's ears out to the side and listening, I can tell you that yesterday was an attentive, wonderful day with her. I was smiling and giggling the entire ride for the joy of having her back.
I was in the Cashel, bareback saddle and chose to use her lozenge eggbut snaffle. The ride ere now, 3 days previous, she had chosen to have a little buck was shocking and out of the blue, as she has never done that on the trail before. I suspect truly though, she is needing another adjustment and massage from her therapist, she is still not getting out to pasture, so movement is limited.

Quiet, she was quiet today. Frothing foam pouring from her lips, and all the while, her ear(s) were with me. 
She and I hand walked down the slick steep hill to the trails below.

Pure Gold! She was such a good girl, not anticipating and telling me that she'd rather turn here or there, but she was WITH ME.

After my ride and times with her, I jetted on over to my sissy's barn. 
I was to ride D'apple for her, in prep for a lesson TODAY.

There was something scary at one end of the arena.  A gal got dumped there yesterday, and had to scratch from riding the lessons today. The horses were all uppity about the place. D'ap was unusually LOFTY and round and full of herself! Even my sister commented about it, as she decided to connect some dots in asking her to walk and trot lightly, on the lunge line, before I got on.
I did get on and she was fine, just rusty and probably anticipating me...since when I show up, there is a ride that ensues! 
She  is SUPER SENSITIVE! In fact...I would call my mare The world's most sensitive-overreactive- horse!  The D'ap is: the most sensitive, honest and willing horse.  Polar opposites they are.

Comforting the D'ap

After such a short time, she was snorting and relaxed. The saddle seems to fit her nicely though, as with the other Tristan, needs a bumper pad for the cantle so as not to set me behind my leg. We used some sheepskin, and that seemed to do the trick. I have my Enlightened Equitation "Seat Bone Saver" on the spare me- bum. It makes the saddle look tall.

My sissy would be riding today, but she is still having some issues with her legs and some pain., I'll get back with ya all after the Dressage lesson, with another trainer. I can tell you that yesterday's lesson with my sister was refreshing...D'ap responded nicely and I was a sponge.

Have a lovely Sunday ya'll! I'm off the the stables! 
All Ears I will be!


  1. Sounds like Wa mare was a superstar and happy to be out with you! D'Ap seems a lovely mare too. I'll be interested in how your lesson went with her. Have a wonderful Sunday.

    1. ! Thanks ! Riding again has given me this euphoric alive feeling. I think it's like the runners high...the riders high!

      I'll post about the lessons from sister and Cathi. But I will say, D'ap surely will help me with my mare! She's a spectacular teacher, this white wonder!

  2. Looking forward to the lesson recap! Happy Sunday to you too. :D

    1. Thanks you! I do think of you, Carol, Arlene and Val's.girl, when I'm doing something dressage.
      Oh, it was so great!
      Can't wait to post!
      At lunch, recapping with sissy now, over humus and a Ruby beer.

  3. D'Ap looks great! Sounds like Wa has a case of spring fever? Too much time in the stall certainly fires them up, right? Happy Sunday riding to you--I'm looking forward to getting back in the saddle soon. I missed out on lovely wintery riding post-blizzard this weekend, but got to get healed up, AND FAST!

  4. Well? What can I say?........Sometimes there is nothing like the appreciation of an animals soul. When they give back to you that one thing you cannot explain. For me, it is very simple, its just a case of being with them, and asking the right questions. i am pleased for you, Wa mare is such a cool horse, D`ap looks like being another too.

  5. I need to go back and reread - but Wa still isn't out on pasture? Is she getting any turn out yet, or are you still doing stall rest?

    Sounds like a great ride on her, though - there's just something about a ride like that, isn't there? :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. She's relegated to her 150 foot run for spring, as she lost her turnout buddy. Took many injuries, plus, he's way happier with the 35 year old mare...she never gets taken away.
      Once the other fields dry out, she'll get to go out and eat grass....she's

  6. Sounds like a lovely, relaxing time spent with your girl. So what is the story of D'Ap? Is she a new horse of your sister's, or is she just caring for her for a friend? She is a very pretty mare. Cannot help but love a willing horse!

    1. The trainer really loved her. I'm working on a post about her.

  7. What a cute ride you have there! I hope that you will tell us more about her.

    1. I am working on the post. Thanks Val, she is a cutie and so sweet!

  8. Poor Wa - wonder why the bucking fuss up? Not like her - definitely ouchy or sore - if it were summer I'd say a bee sting! Poor honey. Great ride with her and then D'ap too! That is fun and exciting with so much riding! Hope all went well and your sister is less sore.

    1. yes, agree, just an adjustment...I try to allow her out to the arena for a buck and roll...but someone was parked there...she got it in anyway!

      She's having PT, and ajustments, ACUPUNCTURE, and does the therapy ball stretching...but she let it go for far too long SEPT till now.
      I'm going to get till have another lesson on D'ap though...yea! She's helping me with my mare, such a good trainer she is!

  9. I love your stories abotu D'apple. What an amazing story. I am lookign forward to hearing how she progresses with your family. I hope Wa gets feeling better.


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