Friday, March 1, 2013

Wet Wonderful

Pond like puddle we take pleasure in. Sometimes with the mare pawing, often sipping. Or sometimes, just standing and gazing at the sky, while looking down!

We were able to get out a few times this week, for short and sweet rides. Either my energy, or the sky's energy, were foreboding.
It mattered not to the mare, she was into come what may.

Let's go!!!

One day we got in right as it began to spit. I had none of my rain gear on, so my leather saddle got a few dashes of moisture. 
I finally made the switch to my "E- Z RIDE STIRRUPS".  They are super duper cushioned platforms!

 One is unable to "Run them up" as regular irons though, for safety sake when unmounted . I just toss them over the saddle and that does the job. 
You can see the thin spot in Wa's mane above...soon, it'll all be that shortest length...makeover time is coming!

Wa was telling me that her top line was not supporting our longer rides with this harder, tree'd saddle. It is in need of some more wool flocking, so until then, the cushioning of the closed cell foam"bumper pad" will do the trick.

We came upon a herd of local llamas...and they suddenly presented us with a trail obstacle.
I knew what was about to happen so I focused myself straight ahead(after photo) .....

I had my leg on, and kept light contact with the mare. When it did happen...a Tandem Llama scratch...woo hoo...that noise sent Wa scooting forward! I allowed her to walk back to them and check it out, as they continued the itching. It was really funny!

There is always time for a bite here and there, makes the mare all relaxed as she chews the newly sprouted greens.

Fabulous water !! Really amazing color!! Even Wa seemed to take it in.

And another pond view offered us this little "Promise" reminder.

When the weather turns the corner, and I know it will for you too soon, my snowy/cold friends , it really lends lightness to one's spirit.

It has been wet, and more wet will surely come our way...but all and all ,"The Ridin' Days" are so welcome!


  1. Beautiful water! And pretty rainbow. I can't blame her for scooting from the llamas, they can be pretty scary! Or at least, weird.

    1. HAHA!! Weird, is so true!
      There is a little bay Arabian mare in with them, and this is why my mare is not taken aback. The mare will part them if they get "too- too" about our presence!

  2. The early spring outings are so welcome after winter. Love the Biblical reference in the rainbow photo- and it's a lovely photo, as is the water shot above it. Of course, any photo from an ear cam point of view is good.

    1. Thanks Shirley, You too will be having the springtime's invitation to play!

  3. Greenery--oh boy, that must make the horses happy! We're still blanketed with a foot of snow, but this is good for maple sugaring. Love the color of that water, and the rainbow.
    I got John some of those stirrups for Valentines Day--the only thing that fits his wide winter boots. He may keep riding in them all summer too! How do you like them?

    1. OH! I would LOVE to nearer that delight-Maple Syrup-fresh!

      I adore the E-Z Ride stirrups!!
      My feet would cramp up, on longer rides, though I have the "Cashel" stirrup pads for my English irons, these Endurance stirrups are far better for the mountain rides and others, we do that are a couple hours. Wish I could afford the "Leather" E-Z Rides...but I am happy with the Blk Metal ones I have.

  4. So nice to be able to ride the trails! We're still snow covered, although the temps have finally shot up.

  5. Tandem llama scratch! Awesome!

    So the new saddle is working out for you?

    1. Yes Shannon, it seems to be comfortable for me and the mare. Once I get it re flocked, I may not use the Cashel pad, but right now, the mare's back rather likes it.

  6. Glad to see that you've been out and about even if the weather isn't cooperating. The new stirrups look interesting. Love that blue water, so pretty.

    1. Thanks Arlene,
      Every Day I Ride By That Water,I Am Compelled To Snap The Shot. I've
      Got HundredS, Of The Same Shot 'Cause It Is So Alluring, The Color.

      Those Stirrup A Have Supported Many A Mountainous Ride. A Life Saver, At Least, A tootsie Saver.
      It's Getting Better All The Time


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