Sunday, April 7, 2013

Better Bareback + a Jettison

The past few rides I have taken with the mare have been on my bareback  soft saddle, which is stirrup less. Depending on what padding configuration is chosen, you may be rather close to the horse. None is necessary since it is just closed cell foam and can be hosed off. I like to use my Mattes Correction half pad. It is sheepskin and has pockets for shims the "Thinline" shims  I use for concussion distributions, away from vertical impact.

 I actually prefer my Soft saddle for  little trail jaunts. It is super comfy and there are no back sore issues, or slipping going up and down hills.
It has been interesting to employ the latest installment of learned riding, from trainer "C"  while on Dapple, to my mare. While using stirrups was the intended use for the "Wrapping legs", feeling the outside of your foot in the stirrups to the little toes. It  has helped me bareback!

Concentrating on the curve of my leg, like there is a string attached between them under my mare's barrel, and not  forcing the heal down, has done something nice for my bareback legs. It keeps my ankle more supple, lengthens my thigh and does not put a bigger bend in my knees.
It has definitely has helped me to sit back, and not grip with my knees, which can be a problem bareback.

The mare has seemed to relax more, as well. snorting and rising her back to me as we trot. 

I was recently paroosing horse blogs and ran across a gal that had been given some critical news from her trainer, about her hands. She began to use( in an attempt to steady her hands) the grab strap on the pommel to secure her handset by her pinkies, so she may remember the feeling for later.
 I tried this myself, and while it was higher than I usually carry my hands, something happened immediately, with the mare. She went down into contact as soon as I did it. Huh. It surely makes you carry them, and with elbows just a little closer to my sides, brushing them lightly. And it made the tightening the "armpits muscles"(thanks trainer"C") and core easier too.

Having some rather nice and springlike weather earlier in the week, all sunny and warm. we got 3 rides in a row in with bareback saddle. On the middle ride I took her bridle off, for a grass graze for 35 minutes, after some nice trotting sessions and a few canters.

Unlike the other day, with the mare able to stand nicely while I took a pit stop...she was somewhat frantic. So, I took her up the road a bit and into some brush, for my privacy sake!  I tacked/mounted up again and decided that a trot to the top of the lane, then a canter down the road by one of the ponds would be nice. Then home again.
We trotted up to the corner----- and WHOOSH------- all I thought I saw, before my mare Jumped 5 feet to the right and to the right again to face the monsters, was a large white thing.  I actually let out an expletive D*** **!   I thought, "why are you spooking at a paper bag!" 

Well, it turns out that it was a darkly dressed woman with a white sweatshirt wrapped around her waist, walking a dog! I was embarrassed  that I cursed, and apologized  She totally may NOT have heard it anyhow...having a 1,000 pound animal, appear like that! My wrapped legs may have helped me there, I was thinking, very thankful to have stayed aboard! My mare normally does NOT spook sideways. But it was alright, and we did canter off down the road as planned. and then home again.

Photo from last fall~

The last ride out, this 3rd week of spring, was gorgeous. I wanted to ride just an hour and get home. The mare was "In" this day, on pasture rotation at my stable.  That means she was all clean from the previous day's grooming.
 I *** LOVE the dry days for being able to get going with the minimal!

We had been out for 20 minutes. It was a calm and relaxing ride. We did no trotting, just a walk as I allowed Wa mare to choose the  directions, we made a big loop. She chose the middle ponds to walk by, but since there were vehicles there, I knew we'd turn around soon. I figure since these folks pay to have the privilege of camping and fishing there, I shall leave them to their privacy and solace of the place, and ride elsewhere.

I made a mistake....................................
I didn't turn around in time, and just as I caught the view and eye of one of the fishermen, with his fishing poll overhead in the middle of his fly cast---------Crack----- the whip like noise!!!
Wa was gone from under me in 2 seconds, she stopped, dropped her shoulder, and whirled around to the right to evade the danger she perceived.
I am calling it a 185 turn....
My longer legs really tired to stay aboard my horse, as later I noticed the saddle sideways. 
What  I remember was, watching my left hand hold onto the  reins with a death grip (thinking don't let go and don't loose you horse!) as I started to hit the ground with force, and she leapt away, in the same direction we had come from.

I don't think I lost conciseness,  I saw Wa stop dead square and look back at me. That is the 185. She kept looking at me, without moving, as I peeled myself off the ground. I heard myself firmly saying "HO"! Then I thought to make the treat "click" noise...she received her treats as I got to her, still standing still.
 I thought my jaw would come off  ( I probably had my mouth open as I hit ground, no time for expletives this time!) it really hurt, and so did my head, leg and my left arm and shoulder were numb.
 I just started walking on the ground with the mare home, the same way we had come.
I called my sister, for accountability. I was feeling somewhat sick now. She asked me a barrage of questions: What day is it? "Survivor night, Wednesday!" I said. I got all questions correct and she said she'd come to help me ...but I stayed her off till I got to the long hill up to the stables. I called again then, letting her know I would make it and call again, before I drove.
 I knew I couldn't do everything with one hand up that hill, so I decided to use a familiar mounting stump nearby, it is super tall and I step onto Wa from it.

***Here where I really let out the stress of what happened...Wa not only turned herself around towards the stump, she walked over to it and side stepped up, then waited for me! 
I got on and BAWLED ALL THE WAY BACK to the stables...using my right hand to secure reins and mane, she took care of me by walking so ultra slow up that hill...I didn't know it was possible, truly!

So, there you have it. I am glad I had my helmet on, it took the brunt of my -whipping to the ground- head. I had my I.C.E. tags on the mare and me too. So, if I had been knocked out...all the numbers to call were there, as well as the mare's facility and my sister's number. I never looked back at the fisherman...poor guy saw it all! But I hope he said to himself, "That's a great horse!" Cause that is what I thought, after all was done...A flight response is natural to her, all the other stuff she did to help me, was her choice. She knew...I know she had to know, I needed it.

I am out of commission. While I did go back to the stables yesterday to check in on Wa, it had been 2 days  since I had seen her. And I did take her for a grass graze for an hour.  I over did it and am in worse pain than before.
 Ice is my friend, some strong drugs, and my therapist, whom I see again tomorrow.

See ya all soon, take care! Something like this makes one re evaluate all. My sister says, "You better be a saddle girl" . But, I got dumped from a stand still off her mare while wearing a saddle. So-When It happens, it happens fast!
Bareback saddle or just happens.


  1. Ohhh Kacy, thank goodness you are okay! I am glad Wa listened, recognized your need, and came to your aid. What a wonderful relationship you two have. We know they don't mean to hurt us, unfortunately their natural instincts supercede all too often. I am so sorry this happened, and truly hope you are healing better as each day passes.

  2. Oh Kacy -

    Way to sneak that little incident in - I didn't see it coming and was in the happy place I always go to when you describe your tranquil trail rides in your beautiful woods.

    Happy that your Wa mare is such a good girl to take care of you but bummed that you are feeling ill effects from hitting the dirt. Happens to all of us, saddled or not, periodically... just a matter of time.

    Please take good care of yourself. Sounds like you got a little whip-lashed. It can be a while until all the parts that impact rearranges get settled in again. (((♡♡♡)))

  3. Sorry To Sneak Up With That...Had The Post Ready To Go For The Bareback-Then It Happened.

    Changed The Title.

    Thanks You Two. I'm
    Sitting With A Cat...Waiting For Tomorrow's therapy

  4. Oh no! I'm so sorry that happened, and so very sorry you hurt. But like you said, what a great horse. It happens.
    I was never able to ride out that shoulder duck, even when I was young. I'd rather have a buck any day.

  5. Glad you're OK, even if sore. WA did a big, brave thing for you - but you know that already and are justifiably proud of her! Feel better soon so you can get back on board.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your fall. It happens to us all but it's no fun being in pain. Wa mare was an exceptional girl for you. How she stayed and helped attests to her love for you. Feel better soon and enjoy those trails soon.

  7. I am sorry that you are hurting! I hope you heal well and properly, and I'm glad you were wearing your helmet! Your mare is wonderful in her care for you.
    That shoulder duck is the worst. It's a slam dunk of the rider every time.

  8. Gosh,I Guess So...With The Comments OF aknowledgment. WA Isn't A Flighty Mare...But This Was The Most Severe Spook I've Had With Her.

    Thanks Everyone....Played It Safe
    Today... Ice, Cat, Ice
    With My Feet
    Up And Boswellia Supps.

  9. Wow--this sounds all too familiar! Harley is the king of the sideways spook--my spinner man! Yes, it all happens so fast. And then they ask you at the hospital, how did you land, what did you hit, blah, blah, blah. I sound so stupid saying I don't know--one minute I was on the horse, the next on the ground.
    Hope you heal fast!

  10. So glad you're ok, other than some ouchies. Take care of yourself and feel better soon!

  11. Glad you are ok. I hate those moments when your mount zigs and you aren't ready for it.
    Danny did that too me once, thought he heard a snake in the grass. In his defense it did sound like a snake, but I was not ready and ended up on my side on the ground. He moved to the other side of our little road and then stood there and looked at me as if to say, "You were supposed to hang on, I was trying to keep us safe."
    I was hurting for a couple of weeks.
    Get some rest and lots of ice.

  12. OH KC ....was reading your post and enjoying your beautiful photos and so did not expect the ending .....what a good girl Wa is for stopping and carrying you safely home .....super glue next time!
    Take care of you!

  13. Poor Kacy! I;m so sorry. Hope you heal fast and soon.

  14. Oh Kacy! I am so sorry this happened. I am going to read your next post too, but, I just read this one. What a scare. As always, what a fabulous mare to help you out of it all after the fact. She is the best and so are you to endure the bareback for her. I hope you are healing...on to read the next post...

  15. Oh my gosh Kacy! Once again, your blog somehow slipped by me, and I am just now reading this. I really hope you will be back up to speed very quickly, we are finally getting a good taste of some good weather! Now is not the time to be hurt!
    I think it is so wonderful how WA mare took care of you all the way back. Oh yes, they know. No doubt about that.

    Hurry up and get better! ;)


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