Friday, May 17, 2013

Fine days in May

 MAY sunshine, for my second ride, in 5 weeks!

May, has been the sweetest surprise gifts to us in the PNW.  She has looked much like the season to follow her that we  all **LOVE! People in shorts and tank tops. The "Summerlike" 80's have really perked us all up. A "Sprummer, blending of seasons, it has been!
I saw a man riding his bike -shirtless- the other day too, that made me smile , and ponder... It is still May, right?

While it is becoming a "normal cooler May" now, half way through it,  we've enjoyed the soothing, tempting days of warmth and dry.

AND~ we have started our FIRST EVER garden!  We've had Raspberries for several years now, here seen with the fruit beginnings 
Now we've added Herbs and some veggies.  I plan on planting Blueberries and try my hand at "Espalier" as well, with Apples and Pears.
And what horse lover's garden would not have plenty of "KERRITS" know what those are...they come with the favorite riding apparel!
 I have saved  the small packets for some time, and finally get to grow some!

While the past five weeks have been a healing time, that does not mean I have been away from the mare. We have gone on plenty of "Mare Walks"...30 miles to be exact. She has been super, usually greeting me with a nicker or whinny, when she sees me coming! One time she totally thrilled my heart by running to me from the grassy field she had to herself! 

 I am getting back to myself, whew! Each day has it's own change and lately, normalcy yesterday at work; I shifted the leg bar ( puts feet up) for my client, on the shampoo bowl- myself! Yea, a small task for many, but I have not been able to do that for 5 weeks. 
 Little by little the " Zinger" I sustained (yea, it's a real sports injury term!) and the "Stinger" nerve damage in my arm, have subsided with all the therapy, ice and rest. I have been SUPER CAREFUL!

About to GET BACK ON THE HORSE..... my fist ride back to myself!

Getting back on the horse is not normally something that causes fear in me, as I have gotten back on, so many times before...this is different.  I have a healthy fear, because my body tells me to!
 I have only ridden a handful of times, cautiously ... what I have done to soothe my nerves (literally so) is take a cross with my reins, in light but constant contact, and hold onto my lead rope around the mare's neck. 
If you have ever been lunged upon your horse or any horse, it is much like that. lightly pulling yourself into the movement, keeping yourself fluid and supple. This has allowed my mare to feel the rope as a wall rein and much less movements from me with my hands. Though I have contact with her, I am using my seat/legs and  weight for aides only. It has been such a "back to basics" awesome tool!  Wa mare has been  light, responsive and I think by her high blowing snort, enjoying it all!

 My man told me recently, that I am going to be the recipient of a "RIDING VEST". YEA! I will be happy to wear that out riding.
 My dentist said, after completing the first reconstructive service for the first broken tooth, " maybe I should wear some mouth guards too"...Oh MY!
 I think adding One piece of riding armor at a time -will do!



  1. So glad to hear you are healing, body and spirit.
    Sweet Wa Mare, running to you.

  2. I must have missed something?.....Or I`m losing it. Any how, good for you, `bout time you got back on. I presume, the riding vest, is body armour. Tons of riders here wear that stuff.

    1. No, I think you commented on my fall....I probably stayed hurt so long, you thought you missed...but you have been enjoying travel and "clearing of one's mind" all the old contents...makes sense to me that you'd forget my travails!
      I wish to forget them too!~

  3. Happy for your May - lovely temperatures and flower surprises! So good to hear of your recovery and riding. You and Wa have many more trails to discover and B-man is supporting you and your horsey happiness and safety with a vest! Smiles from here!

    1. Yes, and yes both accounts....things are blooming at a rate not normal for these parts. GORGEOUS.
      We certainly do have more trails to discover...thanks for that tidbit of JOY , Jules!
      Thinking of you in the Sunset rides always.....

  4. So glad to read this post, with your high spirit. Enjoy riding & gardening, with their healing nature!

    1. I will that the pains have released me to! Thanks so much for stopping in

  5. I'm so happy to hear that you're feeling better and are back riding some. A vest sounds like a great idea. Wa is just so cute nickering to you and running to meet you. She loves you. Have fun and be careful.

    1. The mare has certainly surprised me with how attentive she's been to me coming out...I guess she does like our jaunts, more than I thought.
      Thanks Arlene, I appreciate the sentiments

  6. Sounds like you are on the road to your old self. I'll bet that beautiful weather helped. Wa probably can't wait to get back to the usual routine.

    1. Yea Lori, on the road that has felt like a bumpy trail. But it is straightening out!!!
      I think she rather Likes THIS NEW routine....walking , walking, eating, eating...mellow, hour rides.

  7. Glad you're back on Wa! And glad to hear you are healing up. I've thought about using the lead-rope, or breastplate, in much the same mannner. I had a hold of it the other day as we zipped along through the woods! And I've considered the vest too--but at $200+--ouch!
    We've had a lovely spring with not too much rain and cool 60's and 70's which is fine with me. I'm not ready for 80's yet.
    Be well and enjoy spring riding!

    1. Well the "OUCH" has come from the injury...not having the vest has cost me over $400 in Chiro and soft tissue therapies! ( not to mention the *pain.
      I am loving the rope around Wa's neck...I make it the right length, and it is exactly where my naturals hands should be, but with more security!
      We too are back to the normal 60's and rain now...that taste of summer-was AWESOME.

      Thanks for the well wishes!

  8. Wow, telemarketers on your blog - oh my!! :) We just cannot seem to escape them anywhere...

    Soooo glad to hear you're on the mend!!! Sounds like you've been spending quality time with your girl though. That's always a good thing.

  9. So glad to see you are on the mend! Wow! I'm way behind on how you pulled off this recovery! Need to go back to the beginning of this "event"! A vest and mouth guard sounds perfect for everyone! Sweet Wa, she loves you!


*Thank you for visiting, I Love to read your friendly nickers below!