Monday, June 17, 2013

All's Well

It has been like this, easy peesy ,beautiful!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A day riding , pondering

I had a smile on my face, from the get-go!

Though part of the ear to ear was remembering something I had read 
(and snort laughed over)
"YOU THE WOMAN", which is my name for her on my blog roll. You may know her as "Grey Horse matters".

Who knew something as common as what I call the "Sunshine Blues" could be so blasted hilarious !  Having "S.A.D.D." makes you manic when the bright light of the sun comes out finally. I try and do everything at once, not being able to follow through with any 1 thing! It is Exhausting! 
But when someone like her writes it up; the talented comical soul that she is, it takes on a new light and makes us all in this disintegrating world, ( minds and bodies)  together, and it is not at all as bad as being alone!

On with a days outing we went.
Down through  to the temporary water hole, Wa mare pausing to drink from the fresh rain basin.

It is nice when riding, I never have to worry about lists, agendas being met, or forgotten!  It's all about the moment I am in with my mare.

 The "REAL TIME" of riding out is a mind-clear. Nothing else matters in the lapsing minutes into hours. Blue hereon, Hawk, Eagle and many other birds fly above us in the airspace. On the grounds;  deer, Beaver, frogs, squirrels, bunnies and the occasional cow and Llama are our trail mates.

Usually, I think only about other horse folk when I ride.( "IF" I think 'bout anything other than my mare, those animals and the terrains I travel) It's only fitting to take them along in thought and prayer, knowing of their horse lives through blogging. I leave my other life stuff behind, just  take them and their journeys various.

Lately, I am CAPTIVATED in HEART by one that has made massive amounts of progress with her new wonderful Arabian mare.
Lytha in Germany. 
When I ride my bareback saddle now, I have a partner! She is brave to do it and yea LYTHA, you'll get more buff as you ride on!

The brighter light of the sunshine appearing has given me a BOOST...obviously...I have made more posts in this week, than ever! 
So when I drop off to normal  Posting...make sure to visit my new LINK-"INSTAGRAM"- on the top sidebar!
It is a photo trail of life.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Rough riding

Well now, it turned out to be nice weather for the 3rd day of my personal Hoof Boot trials. It lead me to ride a bit ROUGHER on them, not the mare.

Wa was happy to see me, neighing for me to hurry and get her out there! She has been super lately, really willing, stepping out of the barn door onto rocks. The norm before boots- stop at the last second and question KK girl, "REALLY NOW, you say you love me but these stones hurt me!" 
I can't help but think it's the lack of pain making her so willing to move towards the trails again. Mud and rain make for soft soles...poor thing. The boots couldn't have come at a better time for her.

As you see from the sketch/photo above, I have had some fun with my phone's applications lately.
I love stuff like this! 

Juliette from HONEYSUCKELFARE blog, indirectly turned me onto this App, from another App she invited everyone to tryHERE-It is really fun and quick to connect with folks...right from your phone! It is called "INSTAGRAM".
 I only have her as a "follower" if anyone wishes to have some quick fun, please take a hasty minute and sign up...I am loving the easy connection to friends, through photos!

Back to the BOOT TRIALS.
We did some extended trotting. We went through big bogs and some nice deep water. We continued the trotting on a softer surface that is more uneven and once, I did hear her overreach and skiff a boot a few times.  I DID NOT stop...I kept going till I planned on stopping and then- did the "BOOT CHECK" lean over the shoulder. Still on!   The right boot was slightly off center...but a walk down the road corrected it.

I am giving a THUMBS UP to the EB  Gloves-W!
I am considering sending my "Renegades" to the Easy Boot Company, for a 1/2 off $ in a "TRADE UP" offer they have. I need rear boots for some of those rockier rides I have put off doing in awhile.