Saturday, June 1, 2013

Rough riding

Well now, it turned out to be nice weather for the 3rd day of my personal Hoof Boot trials. It lead me to ride a bit ROUGHER on them, not the mare.

Wa was happy to see me, neighing for me to hurry and get her out there! She has been super lately, really willing, stepping out of the barn door onto rocks. The norm before boots- stop at the last second and question KK girl, "REALLY NOW, you say you love me but these stones hurt me!" 
I can't help but think it's the lack of pain making her so willing to move towards the trails again. Mud and rain make for soft soles...poor thing. The boots couldn't have come at a better time for her.

As you see from the sketch/photo above, I have had some fun with my phone's applications lately.
I love stuff like this! 

Juliette from HONEYSUCKELFARE blog, indirectly turned me onto this App, from another App she invited everyone to tryHERE-It is really fun and quick to connect with folks...right from your phone! It is called "INSTAGRAM".
 I only have her as a "follower" if anyone wishes to have some quick fun, please take a hasty minute and sign up...I am loving the easy connection to friends, through photos!

Back to the BOOT TRIALS.
We did some extended trotting. We went through big bogs and some nice deep water. We continued the trotting on a softer surface that is more uneven and once, I did hear her overreach and skiff a boot a few times.  I DID NOT stop...I kept going till I planned on stopping and then- did the "BOOT CHECK" lean over the shoulder. Still on!   The right boot was slightly off center...but a walk down the road corrected it.

I am giving a THUMBS UP to the EB  Gloves-W!
I am considering sending my "Renegades" to the Easy Boot Company, for a 1/2 off $ in a "TRADE UP" offer they have. I need rear boots for some of those rockier rides I have put off doing in awhile.



  1. Good news...Wa loves you for it.

  2. i could have written this post after what happened yesterday - realizing that 6 weeks of living in our muddy environment have ruined mara's feet for our rocky trails. aaagghh! i remember when we brought her here, her hooves sounded as if they were shod as she walked on pavement, because they were so hard. now they are silent: ( and she's taken to walking on the grassy edges of the trail and not on the rocks. ok i'm gonna try my easyboots on her today and hope they fit. also, i wonder how she'll feel about having things on her feet for the first time. and a crupper, which i've learned is necessary on a no-withers horse. oh boy, lots of firsts coming up today.

    the lady i rode with yesterday said she tried the gloves and they fit the front but not the rear hooves, so she went to those rubber shoes that you had once. i sure hope you can find a solution for wa's rear hooves too!

  3. Since They Have(EB GLOVE) Regular And Wide, One Will Fit Her Nicely I'm Sure .

    Poor Mara,she Destined For Broadening Her Acceptance.But With You As Her Guide, She'll Accept Easily,I Think. She's Gonna Afire Your Adventures!

  4. She'll ADORE your adventuring...
    man, when I am on that smarty-phone, gotta look back at what the */#./x!! is written. It surely is NOT what I think I've typed!
    Wa HATES being shod, though loved those Easy Walker the barefoot specialist that actually had put the EW shoes on her is a EB dealer as well...she WANTS me to never shoe her again and is helping me find solutions towards that. She says that EB is coming out with a "glue on" that hold SUPER well, even in the wet..(I can not even imagine this)

  5. I'm going to try that app!
    So glad you and Wa are enjoying the trails, and the boots are working for you.

  6. Great ride with the new gloves. So glad they're working out. I'm sure it's one of the reasons she's eager to explore with you. Love the picture!

  7. Interesting to read about EB Gloves possibly not working on the rear...hmmmm
    How do your renegades stand up/compare to EBs? Harley is shod on the front, but bare behind, but he does NOT like gravel on roads and trails. I'm considering all options! Another two fellow bloggers love their Renegades--one road across France with them! I like the Glove's gaiter up the back for the front since Harley tends to overreach at times.
    Glad you got out there in some nice weather! Ride on!

  8. I Did A test Ride On The Rear Renegades Today...They Made My Mare So Uncomfortable By Twisting. That's It, I'm "Trading Up".For 50% OFF EB Gloves!

  9. Oh KC I just love the ears on your header photo ....a sight for sore eyes to be sure!!!. So glad the new boots are working out well....I bet Wa mare is loving being out and about. I SO HOPE the summer weather has arrived in your neck of the woods. Meanwhile here the wet wet rain just falls out of the sky ....cold and miserable. Happy summer rides!!!!!

  10. I"m so glad you've found boots that work for Wa! YAY!


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