Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Into the Deep Dream

That is what it is like, riding further into the forests, a dreamy, soothing place.
 We've gone further into the old growth woods lately, to the tranquil cool and far from the maddening crowds.

The soaring temps continue here . We did have a small window of cool late July, with marine clouds in the mornings and upper 70's for the days. HEAVENLY it was.

So, going deeper into the woods is a solitude place the mare and me crave; the quiet that refreshes and calms the spirit with every step.
Sounds of wildlife only can be heard there, like a Hawk that is being pestered by some ravens over our heads.  It squawks and flutters to evade. Little chipmunks scamper underfoot, seemingly playing a game with my mare and her footfalls on the shared trail. Then running up a nearby tree just ahead, it hangs motionless staring at us, at eye level.  As we near it flicks it's tail, chirps a "do not follow" warning, and flits up the tree. No worries little buddy, we like the solid ground for traveling.

 I stroke my mare's neck, happy she is unfazed by it and so many other larger squirrels doing the same thing underfoot, and visibly taunting us in trees next the trails we travel.

The mare has been stellar calm. It could be the heat...it does have an effect of mellowing one's attitude out.  She has been moving at a snails pace. To increase speed, which I honestly have not had to ask of this mare much, I only have to gently think energy. This hot summer, thinkin' it ain't achieving it!
 But ya know- I am not wanting to step things up, so no matter.
 It is just a strange feeling to know I would have to use my leg on my mare "a thought" works well with! I am sure with the cooler temps, will come the livelier steps again.

 I know most of the country has been sweltering HOT, nothing new  for news in that statement. But for us here in OREGON well, it is like we have had 3 COMPLETE summers in the course of 30-70 days. It is strange, very strange for us. Everyday sunny, every day.... While I am not complaining, I will say...it is just strange!

The sunshine has produced plenty of beautiful flowers, vegetables and Blackberries! I have had my eye on many trails with ambling blackberries...but then, so have the local bears! Yes, Bears. The evidences of them can be seen everywhere. Scat! Also the evidence has been felt, as I ride my mare out from our stables..she is high headed and snorty.

Left, Bear bell with magnet cover. Right, uncovered and jingling!

The smells can not be covered up with the jingle jangle sounds of the "BEAR BELL"...if my mare gets a whiff of something wild, she gets very nervous. 
She has been super spooky in certain area's we ride daily...down by the creek, and the areas of thick underbrush. The other day, we both saw a tree and bush shaking violently some 15 feet from us, just as we passed.   She didn't know what to do...turn around on the narrow trail or ??? She faltered in step, and down we went... to her knees. Up she was in a flash and bolting towards the top of the trail. Woo...

So, she has perked up a bit lately...but these times are not soothing, but tense!
She is always listening for the hidden, lurking animals.

Meanwhile, in town there are many ongoing summertime activities...concerts in the park, outdoor movies and socials. The annual  McGloughlin district-100 home sale- in our neighborhood this weekend,  surely will bring scads of folks around. I may partake in the festivities with my 2 neighbor girl friends .
Then, hit it back out to the country again and away from the crowds,  into the woods!

That is pretty much it these days...a little work, alot of play and always trying to remain COOL!


  1. what kind of feather is that hanging from your mare's mane?

  2. Love Wa mares feather! Like her attitude in the hot weather. She's smart not to waste her energy. Not so sure I'd be comfortable on the trails knowing bears are about, even with a bear bell. Have fun with your girl and enjoy the trails.

    1. I Think I'm Sure Of The Hang Outs For Them...The Scat Gives Them Away...Plus, They Like Being Near The Water...So, Most Of The Deeper Woods Are Too Barren Of Berries And Moisture...The Mare Relaxes There.
      Had Some Horses Ride By The Stables Paddocks On The Trail That's On The Perimeter....One Of The Horse's Had A Bell On, Wow...Heard Then Coming For A Long Way Off!!

  3. Yikes, bear--can't imagine meeting up with one. Hang on for the spin and dash!
    Watch out in the berry bushes and stay safe, gal. Fall is just around the corner with snappy stepping OTTB's just raring to go!

    I agree with what you say about riding in the woods--so peaceful and calming with nothing but the sounds of critters.

    1. Hi you...been having such a SUMMER VIBE time of it, i just did NOT want to come in to write on my blog...though i missed all, I kept on going in our 3 summertimes-rolled into this one!
      Though AUTUMN has hit us full gale force, my mare is super calm and lovely, jsut like all summer...thought it was the heat, but now I rather think- it is her way of going now!

      HOPE you can have calmer rides too!

  4. Me again--check out fellow blogger Collen's (Bay State Brumby) video posted by her barn owner Bill re: bears out in western Massachusetts. Nice trail ride with helmet cam, but no bears today!

  5. We have black bears here, but I can imagine that you have the larger variety there. Grizzlies. Yikes! I don't blame Wa for being vigilant.

    1. Na, don't think here in the PNW we have any bigger than the Black. Cougars and Bobcats too.
      Smell tells them all off, long before sight and sound...good thing!

  6. That first picture is just heavenly. :)

  7. I can't blame her being so relaxed in the heat, we've had an unseasonably warm summer (YAY) and everyone (including horses) is very chilled! Love the bell!

    1. Yes Trudi, it has been a SUPER***LONG HOT lovely summertime this year. Lots of relaxed cats, horses, dogs and folks!

  8. Your rides sound lovely, and Wa is such a good girl for marching on despite her trepidations. Can't say as I blame her, our horses have a healthy respect for the bears too. We scamper on down the trail much quicker when they get their whiff! Thank you for checking in on me. I've been quite absent lately, busy days! We did get to go horse camping last weekend, to Santiam Horse camp and had a wonderful time. We are sleeping in our old trailer too, since we sold our big, cushy trailer in April. We set up the cots and it's quite comfortable. I have to admit that I miss the big, luxurious bed in our old trailer though...sigh, can't have everything! I rode Lil Missy (Sugar) and she is a fun, fun ride! It was like a little bit of heaven being on a horse in the mountains again. Couldn't wipe that smile off of my face!! Hope we get more opportunities before summer comes to a close. I'm taking Eagle to another clinic tomorrow and then we're heading to the beach for an overnight stay and coming home on Sunday afternoon. Sure wish I had more time off of work to enjoy more leisure activities...someday, I guess. Anyway, take care Kacy and God bless you and Miss Wa. :)

    1. Good tidings Lorrie, even without the camper sleeper. It does all work out. I have never had such luxury(save my friends heated camper...that was nice) but sleeping in the trailer seems to be a step up from the ground. Love the level area inside. Hope the clinic went well, months ago now. I will eventually catch up with you and all...just truly loved the SUMMERVIBE!

  9. Got to hand it to you, bears an` all? You gotta be one brave lady! One brave horse. Me?......Naw! You seem to be having a good time, and with Wa mare being so super cool, long may you ride quiet.

    1. I think her being 17 this year has made a difference....she is settled and relaxed. Being in a location for boarding for 3 years probably weighs in also. Maybe the low forage of the summer also...not very much grasses and only 2 flakes a day, for 30 or so days...less energies? Whatever it was...is...I am enjoying the relaxed mare and rides

  10. Hi KC :-)
    Love the feather in her mane.

    Can't blame her for being cautious when there are REAL bears around. No real bears around here, but many imaginary ones ;-)

    Hope you're doing well? And Washashe too?


    1. Hi C!
      Yea, was long summer with some troubles with an ailing mother, and some other worries that resolved in time....Wa has stayed well and fit all summer, her forage was so low for 30 days, she lost her top line muscle...working on building that back up now.
      I hope to catch up soon....Pray you are well!

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Love the pics!!!


  13. I read your profile and had to chuckle because I was the same way with my pony. We'd ride from town to town, connected by fields and the occasional little road. And we'd be out all day long, from dawn to dusk. Ah, those were the days!

    Your mare's mane is very shiny. You keep it nice. I like that feather. Looks very Indian.

    1. Hi there Greener P ! Neat to on the similar growing up memories! I will have to visit you all and meet up

  14. Hey there Kacy girl - just checking in with you. Hoping you are enjoying these last remaining beautiful days of our summer. What a summer we have enjoyed huh!!? Just incredible! I've been doing some riding, although not as much as I'd like, but I'm enjoying the rides immensely. We're hoping for one more long w/e with our ponies before our fall arrives. Well, stop by and say hello if you can. Hope all is well and God bless. Lorie

    1. GORGEOUS!!! Wasn't it wonderful, our unending summertime?! Good to hear from you, and hear of your lovely rides, though fewer.
      Thanks for seeking me out....today I thought to check in and found several comments waiting for me. My UNSCHEDULED break had me outside, and not sitting inside at all! Time to catch up!

  15. What beautiful photos! I found horse camping after my heart attack in 2010. The desire to camp with my horse motivated me to ride with a group of older riders a year later. We camped at Algonquin Park in Ontario, Canada. It was a wonderful experience. Your area is breath taking.

    1. Paula hello!
      I loved hearing about your recovery and camping with horses.Bet that area for horse camping is beautiful/delicious!
      I love our area with vast forests and PCT.
      Glad you stopped by, I will visit soon~

  16. What wonderful summer rides you've been enjoying!! Cute bear bell, I've never actually seen one - until now. Hope the cooler weather find you well. Looking forward to more of your adventures, and creative Wa photos!

  17. What wonderful summer rides you've been enjoying!! Cute bear bell, I've never actually seen one - until now. Hope the cooler weather find you well. Looking forward to more of your adventures, and creative Wa photos!

    1. Ah thanks you. I have missed reading from you and some other friends here.
      I only posted daily words and photo's on "INSTGRAM" all summer long...it was my on the go style preference this summer...often, I did while sitting upon Wa, while she grazed!

      I appreciate your encouragement!

  18. Val and I have missed you and the Wa mare KK! Hope you are well and enjoying the autumn beauty on the trails. :D (((♡♡♡)))

  19. I am always amazed you two go out alone all the time. My boy is good, but it IS a lot to ask of a horse. I too posted all summer on instagram... just so busy. I hope to be back to see what you are up to... you always inspire me.


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