Monday, February 9, 2009

My World Tuesday

On a ride at dusk, the mare and I were accompanied by a waxing February moon~


  1. WOW, nice pictures. Love Wa's eye; aren't horses eyes just the most beautiful thing ever?
    What no videos??? I love your videos and soon I will be putting some on of me and Gil on a ride. I got him out today and played some in the round pen. I wanted to ride in the worst way but the ground is frozen underneath and the mud is really slick on top. Gil slipped several times in the round pen and even he didn't want to move very fast. Maybe next week! :-)

  2. Horses do indeed have beautiful eyes, I can remember my two horses eyes as though I had just seen them today. Really beautiful photos! Beautiful moon! Thanks for sharing. Have a great week!

  3. Gorgeous pictures. I like the angle you use with the camera in a way that I feel like I am seeing through the eyes of the horse (if that makes any sense).

    I love your blog :)
    Have a blessed evening,

  4. I* was JUST at your place and loved your babbling brook video!

    Ya know Jane, I did have a video to add...but, I did not like the way it came out( Us jumping) and it was getting dark and I needed to get moving before I went into the thickest part of the forest...Wa does not like the darkened woods too much.
    Glad you stayed safe dear...wait a bit longer and all will be better!

    Thanks Sylvia!I was very glad I took the time to snap the moon last night, as tonight is snowing and cloudy again!
    See you soon,

  5. Sharon!
    You are sweet!
    I like taking them from under Wa's neck as if I were seeing what she may

  6. Great snaps I like the angles past the horses eyes.

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog and good luck in the drawing! Hope to see you again.

  8. that first shot with your horse's ear framing the side of the shot...beautiful photo :)
    thanks for sharing your world with all of us.
    have a good week.

  9. Freindly nickers. How adorable. And great photos for winter. My first visit to your "home". Hope to come back again. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  10. great photos - you see so much more on horseback than in a vehicle.

    Loved reading your story in sidebar - your family must have had a really big dog!

  11. Thanks for stopping by! Very nice photos! I like your background, interesting blog too! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Great photos! I love the stills photo! I miss not being able to be in on the challenge!!!!!! whhhhaaaaahhhhh!
    To me there is nothing more deep, or beautiful or unforgetable as looking into your horses eyes!
    Talk soon!

  13. Great photos. Love the photos taken through the trees. It's so great to experience the beauty of nature on horse back

  14. Lovely photos! I'm especially drawn to the dreamy look in the first one.

  15. Love the photos with the moon visible in the sky. The angles with the horses are very interesting too.

  16. Wonderful photos..all!
    Looks like you've been doing many magical evening rides.
    I enjoy seeing some of what you see, though your photos :)


  17. Oh what cool pictures! Very artsy!
    I know you asked about archives of my mare in one of your comments, and well there is a long-story short sad story about her I wrote last yeah... but I will have to write about her one day, all the happy times with her.

  18. Oh how lovely! Now if only spring would grace us soon!

  19. Thanks for sharing your world. I enjoyed the photos.And love your horse!
    Have a great week.
    Missouri, USA

  20. Awwww....your are so sweet Kacy!!! You always leave such uplifting comments on my blog. :)

    I am sorry that you are so down lately. Is it getting any better at all???

    LOL about your pics! I took some of that exact same moon the other night. Maybe I will get around to posting them soon.


*Thank you for visiting, I Love to read your friendly nickers below!