Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday Stills

Reflections and ripples on Tillimook Bay ~Go here to see more Sunday Stills


  1. Well done; love the way the light turns the water purple.

  2. That's a gorgeous shot!!! And Tillamook is my favorite too...cheese that is ;~)

  3. Wow!!! What an absoulutely gorgeous shot, Kacy!!! Very serene and tranquil.

    Are you becoming a photographer?? I noticed some changs over in your sidebar, and was just curious....

    Oh, and I love your squeaky, old, saddle!!! And what a neat story behind it. :)

    Hah!!! My word verification is "haste!!"

  4. Ooooh! That's stunning. I like the bird in the front!



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