Sunday, February 28, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday Sniff

We found some rather large boulders while riding the Mountain area a few weeks ago.
My mare reached out and sniffed her shadow mare!

For others shadowy images and creative shots~ Please visit HEY HARRIET!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Weekend Reflections

Last weekend I found this little piece of equipment....I have had fun  with it all week, learning how to program it and also finding out the "Waypoints" of the real owner. Instead of a "Home" marker...there is a "Barn" one. It is the only word in the GPS unit.
As I drove to my barn the other day..I had the unit on and it counted down the miles and pointed the way to it's owner's "Barn". I got within .60 m of it...though it looked to be pointing me into the woods.

As I headed out last weekend...little did I know that my reflection here , on my car outside the barn, would be used with the Garmin one above!

Today, after I trim my mare toes and fit some new hoof boots for her to try out, I  mount up and ride out to find the O counter mark..that is what will occur if I actually make it to the "waymark" they have placed. I will have stealth and Mace never know out in the country, what you'll find. I had this thought- that because it said "BARN"- they were okay people..but one does not know someone recently reminded me.

PLEASE View Others unique and beautiful Reflective photo's by Clicking this logo and visiting The talented James, author of this fun reflective MEME!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Trail treasure hunters

No, I do not mean Geo-cache...though now that I found this little item...maybe I will!

Amazing and true....I was looking all around the trail while solo riding Sunday and spotted a mucky looking yellowish thing in the mud. Jumped off to retrieve this!

I opted out of a 4 horse ride with mu PBO this horses and dogs and I know my mare!
I came to find out that I made a very good decision of the horses, a Quarter horse, was frothy hot to trot! NOT for us! After all the togetherness rides of late..I really wanted a nice peaceful lone ride with the mare.
So...I started to play around with the Garmin and set it a little bit and went on our way...looking for new ways to loop around Stony Mountain.
Got to this hill -and heard massively LOUD motor bikes coming up. I planed on dismounting anyway, to travel down this really steep long hill. It is a rather greasy hill, due to the fact the tires strip the trail. It is NON- MOTORIZED property..but they seem to have forgotten how to read the clearly posted signs, and wonder how to get around the gate!

Here is the really funny thing...I had the mare striped quarter sheet on as it was about 35 degrees out, in the shade. I had a white helmet and flashing lights on with my BRIGHT green and orange vest...and as I stood above the trail slightly hidden..NONE of the four riders saw me!
After they cruised on away down the hills I came from, I walked the mare to the long hill and took the stirrup leather in my right hand, as I walked near to my mare and said okay..walk on down...she slid quite a bit..but not as much if I had been on her! I remounted ....

That calls for a drink of cool fresh steam waters!

With Garmin set...we traveled up the roads and took the way right to find a cool cantering spot that was flat....
MAX SPEED 18 mph
Elevation 1300 ft
MILES 7(round trip)

BUT...look what is coming to our area soon....
Freshly-CLEAR CUT- and the machine was working this day still... 

So we maneuvered around the Yellow beast and went up the last hill, before turning around this day 

I dismounted and let the mare pull me up that slickery steep hill and we made for home.

I have placed a note on the trail, in a plastic baggie, saying: FOUND ITEM-call-plus a number.
Then I made a new recording to the number I wrote for them saying:" If you lost an item between this rode and that..leave what it is- and your name and number please. I will call you back"

Nice Visit

I am so thankful that the weather was so nice while my sister was visiting us with her mare Pantz. We got quite a few rides in between the time she arrived then departed again. Riding 6 outa 10 days, with days off in between for the horses. The last few were walking only, with few hills.

With the Sun at our backs starting out...we had our favorite riding partner joining us!

We rode silently along...smiling inside and out~

When the weather finally decides to clear and become is like A FRENZY in the woods...all manner of vehicle and hooves alike can be found to be traveling the trails! Fortunately for me..I have never run into any motor cycles on these trails.

I was blessed by a calm mare again...being happy to follow so I could let my sister bask in the beauty of being first on the trail.

We did a small 2 hour ride...not that it was all that far.. we just took our time and soaked up the glorious atmosphere and some nice- deep wooded sunspots~

Like I said...these woods, and many in Clackamans County that have been growing for 20 or more years, are slated to be, we are riding in borrowed time =and enjoying it for now.

We made it around 2 loops and then out in the open, facing East, to see Mount Hood~

Coming out of the woods and into the clearcut of  about 5 years ago, we stole for home, adding one last Yummy ride before she departed again~

OH>>>>wait till you see what I found on the trail....riding solo this time, paid off!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Stills The letter G

......Is for GATE, and opening it while upon a horse.

My sister took her time with this and her mare Pantz, is particularly Good at maneuvering around calmly to get the job done.

She started by facing the latch on her right (or in this case-the bungee cord) and opened it for me to go forth with my horse. Then, she walked Pantz  around the GATE.

Her hand never left the GATEas she then backed Pantz up to reattach it's fastener. I was properly impressed!
Um....I normally get off at the GATE ....
and remount on the other side. I need much more practice with GATES!

PLEASE GO see more photo's that are about the Letter "G" today!  - HERE- with our host, Ed Prescot

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday 3rd horse

The Appaloosa mare Pantz and her mare friend Washashe enjoying some February Sunshine...the third horse is very welcome!

Enjoy many others unique shadowy shots today! 

Winning her horse heart

The Realtor said something to me the other day, as I made more appointments to look at horse properties with my sissy and mother. I have to make the viewings after or before ride times with my sister while she is here. The gal said, "You are trying to make sure you win her horse heart for the area's trails, aren't you!"

I guess I I have been taking her to all the favorite places, Like Camp Riley, Mount Hood.

We started off from the campground's visitor Staging area, and rode through the camp to the bridge.

Pantz never looks like she is pensive about much...but the raging water below on BOTH SIDES..kinda got to her!

And, I am making sure to let her lead........

Through Wa normally does not follow well, she was very good this day!

Pantz is such a pretty little Appaloosa mare! I think I have told you all before that she came to my sister from someone who was afraid of her . My sister paid a Dollar  for her!

I think I properly impressed her "horse heart" for our trails this day...she was amazed with the sights!
She even joked about some...doing her impression of "The Man From Snowy River",
while going down a small hill!!!
Oh geeze, we laughed at this one as we viewed it on the TV and I did the close up of her funny facial expression!!

We stayed but an hour or so as it was CHILLY when the sun started to go down!

Washashe mare, in her favorite trail position...out front and making time!

then we traded positions again..and headed Into the Sunset and home again~

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


It has been so WONDERFUL to be able to ride with my sissy more  this visit.
We have gone out  almost every day, since her arrival last Friday. The weather has been holding nicely in the upper 50's and will get to 60 this week!

I got us into a bit of trouble though Saturday...went to local trails and thought I had them memorized..took a wrong turn...and ended up coming home in the dark almost! 
We need to ride these local trails NOW- while we can...before they are logged soon. The markers are in place, all over the area's we ride for logging. It has been 25 years since they last were and the trees are gorgeous!

So we went back to these local trails again yesterday earlier in the day...and I took my marking ribbons this time!

We followed Pantz mare alot...and Wa was perfectly calm in back for a change!

It was darker in the woods for my B/W camera setting...but I did manage to capture the Mountain here.

Going home is always nice...towards the sun!
Hope your week is going well and continues to brighten for you all!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Macro Monday Elsie Kitten

A new Friend here in Bloggerville, MAMA H, inspired me to take a photo of our "Kitten" Elsie. Though she is 18, she is our kitten always! I set my camera for B/W-Macro- and she willingly sat for the shot.
Please do visit others Macro shots today through our Host Ed Prescot HERE.

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

I have been TAGGED "it"

Jane dear tagged me from over at Jane Augenstein~ My World in Pictures, so here goes. 
Here are the rules:
Answer the following questions with single word answers, then pass this along to 5 other bloggers.
Make sure to link back to the person who tagged you( JANE DEAR), and be sure you let those you tagged know about it.

Your Cell Phone? On me
Your Hair?  Growing
Your Mother?  Molly
Your Father? Passed

Your Favorite Food?  Shrimp
Your Dream Last Night?  Farms
Your Favorite Drink?  Water
Your Dream/Goal?  Eventing
Where Are You ?  Front
Your Hobby?  Equestrian
Your Fear?  Crowds
Where Do You See Yourself In Six Years?  Ranch
Where Were You Last Night?   Horseback
Something That You Aren't?  Timid
Muffins?  Chocolate
Wish List Item?  TRUCK
Where Did You Grow Up?  Oregon
Last Thing You Did?  Feed
What Are You Wearing?  Activewear
Your TV? OFF (Equine version- YOUR ENTERTAINMENT?)
Your Pets? Loved
Friends? Moved
Your Life? Fast
Your Mood? Content
Missing Someone? Yes!
Vehicle? Trooper
Something You Aren't Wearing?  Lenses
Your Favorite Store? GALLOPS
Your Favorite Color? RED
When Was The Last Time You Laughed?  Seconds
Last Time You Cried?  Movie
Your Best Friend?  Bruce
One Place You Go To Over And Over Again? Country
Facebook? No
Twitter? No
Favorite Place To Eat? Catalina

And I choose:

Highland Hooves

GAIL At the Farm

This Kuntry Arabian

Misha From My Front Porch in the Mountains

Always there for the Horses

Have fun...especially you horses!!!

A Valentine Sunday Stills

       The mare and I send our heartfelt wishes to you for a  romantic, lovely, happy, fun, creative, yummy, relaxing, full of smiles and laughter...or some good snoozes day of it today! visit Ed and the gang for more glimpses of Valentines! 
CLICK the Title to go!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

They're Back

Yep! My sissy and her mare have returned for more family time, and riding on the side!
And today...we go look at properties that will accommodate horses! Though it may be sometime for it all to is a start to having her come to live with our mother.
Woo hoo! 
See you all later, have a goodie weekend all!

Another visit

My "Must Ride Monday" partners came on over to my part of the woods and brought me a remember Mustang Cazi? He has the most mane of any horse I have met!

We set out for the service roads I was on, just the day before. And It was Nice and Mostly Sunny for us, as we headed out of the woods to the clearing!

Cazi was very good, though a bit spunky as he has not been ridden in months.

We were awed by the sight of the clouds making beautiful shadows, over the vast tree lands.


As we went along my girlfriend was having some problems with her other overly spunky
 I immediately thought of what my sister has taught me to do when a horse is not respecting your aides "BORE THEM WITH THE DETAILS" :  If they do not want to walk straight, then circles and laterals are in order. If they may not want to walk up at all, backing up gets them moving ahead in short order as reverse is much more difficult than forward. In fact, that is the point of   "The Details" , they tend to be much more WORK, than simply listening and moving respectfully forward.  ..she asked if I would like to ride him for a time..I did, and took the edge off his attitude. This young horse needs TONS of lane changes and speed half halts. He is learning to respect and one must be the leader with him...or he leads!

After a time..his oats were sown and we traded back again.
Mr. Sunshine was with us too, doubling our riding friends.

There are so many neat side roads to take on this land, we took some that were grassier and cantered a bit.

The views were stunning there!

And today, Mount Hood was looking nice!

We went out for a few hours, then back towards home again, saying goodbye .