Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Coming in

Nice weather has kept us on the trails. 70's in October!
Hello all!!!
 I know that this unexplained break from Bloggerville had some wondering about us. Thankyou for seeking me out via email and comments. I am sorry for such a long blogger break...totally did not realize that I'd get to ride in such FABULOUS conditions from June till now! Just  3 days of rain in 3 months, and 2 little storms in September.

I did start a Summertime post , about mid way through it...but so much was going on and the computer does give us fits, from time to time (it is from the dark ages) it freezes up and won't do a thing I ask!  I  couldn't make myself sit inside!  
So while there is so much to write about ( hospital visits, Arachnophobia bouts, Pescatarian lifestyle changes)..... I have to wait for a day that MAKES me stay put! Plus, there is so much neat-o news from you all to read about and catch up on!

Today, coming inside from the greater outdoors , is still tough 
( Been Race training for a Thanksgiving Turkey Trot 5 K...) has been in the 70's and sunny for the better part of October!   So, just like that, I shall leave you again. Gotta work sometimes. All the while wistfully yearning to be OUT in this BRIGHT, Sunny day  today.  And the next two days off...ride plans!
Say you missed US a little, and I will come back sooner!

Pond view , from atop my mare Wa

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Into the Deep Dream

That is what it is like, riding further into the forests, a dreamy, soothing place.
 We've gone further into the old growth woods lately, to the tranquil cool and far from the maddening crowds.

The soaring temps continue here . We did have a small window of cool late July, with marine clouds in the mornings and upper 70's for the days. HEAVENLY it was.

So, going deeper into the woods is a solitude place the mare and me crave; the quiet that refreshes and calms the spirit with every step.
Sounds of wildlife only can be heard there, like a Hawk that is being pestered by some ravens over our heads.  It squawks and flutters to evade. Little chipmunks scamper underfoot, seemingly playing a game with my mare and her footfalls on the shared trail. Then running up a nearby tree just ahead, it hangs motionless staring at us, at eye level.  As we near it flicks it's tail, chirps a "do not follow" warning, and flits up the tree. No worries little buddy, we like the solid ground for traveling.

 I stroke my mare's neck, happy she is unfazed by it and so many other larger squirrels doing the same thing underfoot, and visibly taunting us in trees next the trails we travel.

The mare has been stellar calm. It could be the does have an effect of mellowing one's attitude out.  She has been moving at a snails pace. To increase speed, which I honestly have not had to ask of this mare much, I only have to gently think energy. This hot summer, thinkin' it ain't achieving it!
 But ya know- I am not wanting to step things up, so no matter.
 It is just a strange feeling to know I would have to use my leg on my mare "a thought" works well with! I am sure with the cooler temps, will come the livelier steps again.

 I know most of the country has been sweltering HOT, nothing new  for news in that statement. But for us here in OREGON well, it is like we have had 3 COMPLETE summers in the course of 30-70 days. It is strange, very strange for us. Everyday sunny, every day.... While I am not complaining, I will is just strange!

The sunshine has produced plenty of beautiful flowers, vegetables and Blackberries! I have had my eye on many trails with ambling blackberries...but then, so have the local bears! Yes, Bears. The evidences of them can be seen everywhere. Scat! Also the evidence has been felt, as I ride my mare out from our stables..she is high headed and snorty.

Left, Bear bell with magnet cover. Right, uncovered and jingling!

The smells can not be covered up with the jingle jangle sounds of the "BEAR BELL"...if my mare gets a whiff of something wild, she gets very nervous. 
She has been super spooky in certain area's we ride daily...down by the creek, and the areas of thick underbrush. The other day, we both saw a tree and bush shaking violently some 15 feet from us, just as we passed.   She didn't know what to do...turn around on the narrow trail or ??? She faltered in step, and down we went... to her knees. Up she was in a flash and bolting towards the top of the trail. Woo...

So, she has perked up a bit lately...but these times are not soothing, but tense!
She is always listening for the hidden, lurking animals.

Meanwhile, in town there are many ongoing summertime activities...concerts in the park, outdoor movies and socials. The annual  McGloughlin district-100 home sale- in our neighborhood this weekend,  surely will bring scads of folks around. I may partake in the festivities with my 2 neighbor girl friends .
Then, hit it back out to the country again and away from the crowds,  into the woods!

That is pretty much it these days...a little work, alot of play and always trying to remain COOL!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Mountain Times

A walk on water moment, Pantz and sis
We had an awesome experience horse camping, our third time to Clackamas Lake in Mount Hood National Forest. Clackamas lake sites are only 3 years old and have dedicated horse sites with very nicely built corrals.

Our time away, this time, was truly a "separated from the "connected" world of cell service", for my man, sister and myself.

The tiny dock of Clackamas lake
Usually, we may take a walk down the planked runway to the  tiny dock of the lake. We sit with our coffee's while we check in and catch up on "Home" activities with our elderly mother.
We took the coffee, and walked the planked runway to our known world's reception ..but nope, no reception! We got spotty reception near the road once...but after that, nothing. Actually-it was kinda refreshing  since we already knew other's were checking in on "grandmother". My Nephew was working on his motorcycle in her garage, and was there at all hours, days in a row replacing parts. Super helpful for the timing, as we girls and my man could relax, knowing he was around to make sure she was alright.
No calls, no txts, blogs, no  "Instagram" was a vacation from known connected realities! We only had each other and the horses, NICE!

Here is the stinker news though...I have waited to post this because *** my camera got taken this spring from my parked truck outside my house. I got another camera like it at the pawn shop...but apparently, it is not enough like it,(cords and connections don't link up) and I am unable to retrieve photos from it to our "old as hills" computer. I am frustrated. So there are just a  shots from my phone this time.

Sister with mares in a rare-non mosquito'd moment!

My sister used our tent to sleep in, as we always use the "Tent TRAILER"now...after I power wash the crap outa it (litterally so!)... It is awesome for camping. Screened windows, safe from bears and wildlife, rainproof...level for the queen air mattress.

My man was to drive up to the mountain camp site later that night, after he got done with his normal work day. We sisters got there midday, at check in time, and set up the entire camp site. We then decided to Chilax with the horses. It was very hot and they seemed content in the corral nearby. My man drove in late, but that was alright...we had a nice roaring fire for him, to make him feel like sitting down with a cold one. Dinner was ready for him on the table.
Unfortunately, the blasted mosquitoes were awful and plentiful. We did our best with the arsenal of bug replants...but in the end, we waited for the fall of darkness for relief!
Next morning we all had a lovely round of STRONG COFFEE and I made blueberry pancakes for breakfast. We sisters decided to take a riding outing to the lake for 4th of July. It was the first of 5 rides this trip.

My mare was very nicely walking behind Pantz, I was sighing in delight and looking all around. My mare has this kicking walk. She gets her walk on at around 4-5 m.p.h. and gets mighty disturbed, when she must be checked back for using it on trail rides, behind a slow pokey horse.
 I was just reading over in Germany at LYTHA'S place, that she had gone out with her Mara mare, and met a rider with a horse that has a great walk too...the owner doesn't like to ride with others because their horses get disturbed because... they probably get left behind! That would be a good fit for us, like Pantz is... she outwalks Wa every time.
Anywho...we were struting through the vast beautiful and my sister and I did a "Leap Frog" in positioning. While Wa was clam, I allowed her to lead. It is the perk for her for remaining calm behind. We did that several times and once my sister spied a large BLACK RAVEN feather! She still has a gimpy leg so getting off to retrieve it was near impossible . I popped off and got it and placed it directly in Wa's mane!

I Adore finding feathers and did a complete
 POST HERE about the meanings......
I felt a little badly for claiming the RAVEN Feather so quickly but I had given her a Red Tailed Hawk feather just before the ride, and it was in place in Pantz's mane , looking rather smart!

It was a nice little first ride, but we did have a slight bolt situation from my mare. The weather was so hot and the winds had come up across the Lake. While it kept us cooler on a very hot day, it made the lake waters have a small tide effect, "Lapping" up onto the land. My mare took issue with the waters and spooked suddenly. She turned to leave...right into my sister! Sis got a huge bruise from that on her forearm...but we gained control quickly and hung out by the waters till the mares settled. It was so Beautiful!

We had some cobbler for dessert that eve for the 4th. My man is a great cook and he comes up with such camping delights each year! We pretty much ate only Vegetarian delights this year, Hummus with veggies, my special sandwhich ( Dave's killer bread, avocado , almond butter, grated carrot,cucumber, safflower mayo and spinach leaves, grated cheese) 
Naan open faced grilled cheesy delight, apple slaw..on and on the veggie meals went...It felt super good to eat lighter.

The next days ride was to be the long one of the trip, since my man had to go to work that day before he could return for the final  3 nights and 2 days of camping with us girls. I had told my sissy that the LAKE RIDE around Timothy is what I wanted to accomplish this year. Last year when we came, she and Pantz mare were recovering from health maladies, and the entire lake ride was out -NOT plausible. But this year...there was nothing stopping us...though it is long, the weather had cooled and water was available along the route for the horses plus, we brought hay lunch for them.

Lunching with mares-half way point around Timothy lake, Oregon
We stopped at mile 8 to have our lunches...since the weather had cooled and in the forest shade it seemed even cooler( me loving it, sister freezing) we made sure to sit in the sun for lunch!

We soon headed out again, (after a photo shoot with me in the shots, but alas...on the camera) for the rest of the ride around Timothy lake. We were almost half way around the lake when my sister asked me, "How much further will it be?"  When I answered, " Sister, we are riding the entire loop around the lake today"..and though when you add up the separate trail distances on the map, my GPS was on, and my calculations had us at almost, half way at that moment. " We have about 8 or nine miles to go"....
!!!  She exclaimed,"Are you trying to kill us??!!"

After her worry and a diatribe conversation, I took this "little video"....Sighing in it, as you hear...we went onward and forward, walking briskly through the beauteous place, above the Lake in the Mountains.
***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***
The second mishap happened about 5 miles from home camp. The ride from my GPS was 16 miles. According to the map readout on mileage, it's 20. It seems very long, to be sure...Pantz was tired and she tripped on uneven footing and caught her hoof boot. They did not go down, but that initial jerk and adrenaline feels terrible. I hate that!

 So, my sister thought I tried to kill her and her horse..but the next day...we all felt pretty darned  GOOD!!!
We repeated a neat action we had started the morning of the 5th...get up with the sun( just before 6am), feed the horses, clean the stalls, replenish water, take a jaunt to the rest rooms...then go back to bed!
That was refreshing!!

So the next few rides we stayed closer to camp. We did a "Headwaters Loop" once, and that was totally cool! The terrains varied so much and it was only 4 miles. We also did loops around camp and to a nice meadow 2 miles away. The horses were so wonderful, really willing and calm.

We enjoyed our getaway very much...and returning home was equally nice. Sleeping in a real bed for us and also the mares being back to a normal routine-less the terrible MOSQUITOS! They were horrendous!
Sigh...summertime is lovely. We seem to have had 3 in one season this year...the 90's were hit more than ever and now we continue to go without Oregon's rains and staying in the 80's...I'M NOT COMPLAINING!

Hope you all are well, I must check in to find out about your summer times. My man is READY for fall..he has been for a month. What can I say, we are true Oregonians...liking it cooler and with lots of color.


My mare, sporting her Raven feather back home again

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Going Back

Days of yore, jump saddle

I have decided to revisit a "Feel like home"
place. It has been some time since I have felt comfortable, as I was truly more interested in my mare's comfort.
So, while she has been nice and comfy...I HAVE NOT!

Stubben Tristan

Yea, I am talking about saddles again....Above the Stubben fits nicely on the mare. Sometimes I used a bumper pad to level the seat. But, that made my comfort worse. I have been getting hit in the woowoo. I can't take it anymore! I have gone back to my "Hans Biglajzer "Jump saddle. It is all of 9 pounds and so compy! It fits fine for now on the mare...since we have not buffed out with the hills as before, when we stopped using it.

And...we are going back to the mountain lakes soon too!

Pantz Mare and me in Frog lake, Oregon

Summertime colors at sunset
Yes, summer is here in Oregon. While just a week ago it was raining still (typical), it is acting pretty summery now with high temps and plans to be realized. Normally it will rain right up to the 4th of July. Not typical this year, thank goodness!
Tomorrow, we are Taking the horses to the LAKE!

Timothy Lake, Oregon with Mt. Hood 

The two mares have not seen each other for some should be interesting to see the reunion. After some squeals and posturing, they will be besties again for the trailer ride up to the mountain.

Pantz mare and Washashe share the trails

I have been super busy these past weeks...working and gardening, preparing for this camp trip. I went out to the trail and retrieved some old hoof boots I "ditched" last year, when the mare was traveling funny...I took them off and stashed them in the brush. Since the Easy boot "WIDES" have worked so well, I decided to sell the "Reneagdes" back to the feller I bought them from, and send in the old  "Cavallo"boots-pictured below attached to my saddle.

Ditched hoof boots- those days are OVER!
I sent them in and did the "TRADE UP"  through the  Easy Care Company.

You are able to send in an old pair of competitors hoof boots , once a year, for 50% off Gloves or Back Country Gloves. THIS is a GREAT DEAL, since I have finally found some of their well thought out and designed boots to fit my TB mare.
 The invention of "WIDES", has made us two fillies really happy!!
The Rear EB Gloves came in the mail in record time. We've had some very nice outings with plenty of trots and canters. 

All around Glove boots and revisiting the "Jump Saddle"

Time for some of that summery goodness of cooking over the open flame, telling stories till your eyes are drooping, eating "smores" (trying a new recipe) and riding, riding, riding!!!

My mare, the Daisey!

See you all when we return to town again, next week.

Monday, June 17, 2013

All's Well

It has been like this, easy peesy ,beautiful!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A day riding , pondering

I had a smile on my face, from the get-go!

Though part of the ear to ear was remembering something I had read 
(and snort laughed over)
"YOU THE WOMAN", which is my name for her on my blog roll. You may know her as "Grey Horse matters".

Who knew something as common as what I call the "Sunshine Blues" could be so blasted hilarious !  Having "S.A.D.D." makes you manic when the bright light of the sun comes out finally. I try and do everything at once, not being able to follow through with any 1 thing! It is Exhausting! 
But when someone like her writes it up; the talented comical soul that she is, it takes on a new light and makes us all in this disintegrating world, ( minds and bodies)  together, and it is not at all as bad as being alone!

On with a days outing we went.
Down through  to the temporary water hole, Wa mare pausing to drink from the fresh rain basin.

It is nice when riding, I never have to worry about lists, agendas being met, or forgotten!  It's all about the moment I am in with my mare.

 The "REAL TIME" of riding out is a mind-clear. Nothing else matters in the lapsing minutes into hours. Blue hereon, Hawk, Eagle and many other birds fly above us in the airspace. On the grounds;  deer, Beaver, frogs, squirrels, bunnies and the occasional cow and Llama are our trail mates.

Usually, I think only about other horse folk when I ride.( "IF" I think 'bout anything other than my mare, those animals and the terrains I travel) It's only fitting to take them along in thought and prayer, knowing of their horse lives through blogging. I leave my other life stuff behind, just  take them and their journeys various.

Lately, I am CAPTIVATED in HEART by one that has made massive amounts of progress with her new wonderful Arabian mare.
Lytha in Germany. 
When I ride my bareback saddle now, I have a partner! She is brave to do it and yea LYTHA, you'll get more buff as you ride on!

The brighter light of the sunshine appearing has given me a BOOST...obviously...I have made more posts in this week, than ever! 
So when I drop off to normal  Posting...make sure to visit my new LINK-"INSTAGRAM"- on the top sidebar!
It is a photo trail of life.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Rough riding

Well now, it turned out to be nice weather for the 3rd day of my personal Hoof Boot trials. It lead me to ride a bit ROUGHER on them, not the mare.

Wa was happy to see me, neighing for me to hurry and get her out there! She has been super lately, really willing, stepping out of the barn door onto rocks. The norm before boots- stop at the last second and question KK girl, "REALLY NOW, you say you love me but these stones hurt me!" 
I can't help but think it's the lack of pain making her so willing to move towards the trails again. Mud and rain make for soft soles...poor thing. The boots couldn't have come at a better time for her.

As you see from the sketch/photo above, I have had some fun with my phone's applications lately.
I love stuff like this! 

Juliette from HONEYSUCKELFARE blog, indirectly turned me onto this App, from another App she invited everyone to tryHERE-It is really fun and quick to connect with folks...right from your phone! It is called "INSTAGRAM".
 I only have her as a "follower" if anyone wishes to have some quick fun, please take a hasty minute and sign up...I am loving the easy connection to friends, through photos!

Back to the BOOT TRIALS.
We did some extended trotting. We went through big bogs and some nice deep water. We continued the trotting on a softer surface that is more uneven and once, I did hear her overreach and skiff a boot a few times.  I DID NOT stop...I kept going till I planned on stopping and then- did the "BOOT CHECK" lean over the shoulder. Still on!   The right boot was slightly off center...but a walk down the road corrected it.

I am giving a THUMBS UP to the EB  Gloves-W!
I am considering sending my "Renegades" to the Easy Boot Company, for a 1/2 off $ in a "TRADE UP" offer they have. I need rear boots for some of those rockier rides I have put off doing in awhile.


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Testing, Testing..........

Down the roads through water, mud and over rocks. Yup, the New hoof boots arrived, and in a rare moment of rain reprieve, we set off to try them out.

Easy boot "GLOVE" in new WIDE

Sleepy horsey!

Though sleepyily standing for the photo here, Wa mare perked up pretty quickly, once we got going. After she tried to avoid the normally traveled areas of rocks and hard grounds; Wa mare was walking, trotting and even cantering upon the roads that ere now, made her wince!

This road is a nice one, with round river rocks

The roads with crushed gravel rocks make her dive for the much softer/safer shoulders. But this day, though she actually tried once or twice to go for the sides from pain memory,   she began to snort and relax.  
All in all the first ride went rather smoothly!!! 
Let us see IF*** we can get another in this week..............

Second ride try- a window of dry, though a very stormy day in May

So, yesterday, we got to go out once again later in the day. I was standing around waiting for the torrents of windy rain to subside as they have seemed to, later in the days. It just kept coming, and the moisture from the skies seeped into the barn doorways. When I stepped into the turnout, the rains  had flooded Wa's turnout field too. The 2 weeks of 80's we had in the beginning of May were apparently to keep our spirits up from the memory. NOW, we have gotten 4-5 inches of rain in a hurry apparently, marking an 1800's date for the record rainfall!

 I prepared to go still, hoping....getting the rain gear out...for her: quarter sheet, synthetic bridle and breast collar, saddle cover. For me: Rain duster that covers my legs and rear!
YEA!! a small window of blue between the grey and  blackened skies!

I was riding and thinking of KATE'S LESSON.... with Mark Rashid. I knew she could be riding right then too!
 I have enjoyed identifying with her over "core to core" work. Since I have started riding again after my accident, my safety has been to secure my hands with a light contact to the mare , while holding a rope from around the mare's neck. The results have been to use my "Thoughts only"- that are the core body movements between my mare and me. It is subtle and gently asks your horse to respond to the least amount of movement. With the way the mare has been marking time with her snorting, I know she has felt less pressure and more freedom.

Off we went...into the water logged lands. With the front "Gloves" on. The mare soon realized, nothing hurt her toes! She strode out nicely. We went up and down and all around the roads for an hour that wizzed by! We had been trotting and cantering, me riding without my rope ballast now, having the saddle and stirrups. I tested out my sitting trot, as I watched our shadow selves below on the ground, riding along with us. The mare stretched into my fingers and I was able feel her swingy body, as she highblew, and marked the time.

 I think these Hoof boots are going to make riding out on different surfaces pleasurable again, for the both us!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Under Cover

About the only wise choice I did make...was to wear tall boots for the drenching ride ahead.

The moist onslaught was in reprieve, with the dark clouds having blown over someone else's domain for the time being. I groomed quickly, making decisions to skip the quarter rain sheet for the mare and also, the rain duster favorite of mine for remaining dry, on days like this day. It was muggy and I dislike greatly, to overheat.
Maybe not very thoughtful.

Making small talk and listening with stablemates was hard without being obvious- I was so out of there, as soon as the velcro, buckles , clips and some odd snaps were in place!

Down the slick trail I hand walked, mounting at the bottom. We then strode quickly up the road, brushing the bright yellow scrub bushes aside. They left  sticky, rain battled petals on my legs and boots. It made me smile when I looked down and spied them.The yellow will soon give way to other colors this spring.

 Our first stop.....

 Under the dry cover of the Evergreen Fir trees. The heavy laden clouds had caught up to us, and were relieving themselves. 

I dismounted for a time...the mare being pensive. We overheard  campers nearby. They had loud engines and hearty laughter, not usually heard in these parts. The Memorial weekend has brought them forth, pleasure seeking from the wood, like us.

Two views of the same mare. My phone's camera, while leaving much to be desired...makes beautiful mistakes sometimes. Loved the purple hue of the overexposed mane.

Looking down now, there was the prettiest little wild  Iris. She was all alone in the grassy undergrowth. Somehow she existed on this trail, between the hooves and tires that oft times stroll the pathway.

 We soon embarked upon the glistening grasses again, briskly trotting for a favorite destination. 
Grass, grass, oh the blades were delighting in this day, beckoning my mare to partake.

 "Soon my mare", I said aloud.
 I'm sure we'll have time for you to munch at the next resting place; making it undercover, for I see another tantrum coming from the clouds!

We both were having fun, though wet we were by now, it was NOT cold. I was ready to mount up again and head on home but I spied another wild thing that ADORES this kind of day................................

If you put both of your hands together, go ahead, knuckles up..................................................

so that your hands touch and your fingernails slightly curve down and out sight...............................

THAT my friends, is how BIG this feller was!!!

I cautiously took his photo, with mare in hand. When these big un's jump into the water, they sound like "Cat Frogs", making a "meowing noise" then- SPLASH!

Just another Oregon day, in the rain soaked hills and valleys!
I do so love the Evergreen trees for the brief reprieves they provide...from rain and soon I pray, Shine.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Ride between the raindrops

Down the trail on a grey, but somewhat dry day in Oregon

We have returned to the normally scheduled forecast for this time of year in the PNW...cold with grey skies, VERY wet and windy. The blankets are back on the horses again, since the winds have made the 50 degree days seem like 20 degrees cooler! And, with no hair to comfort them since they are all shed out nicely, this seems like a dirty trick! 

Really wanting to get us fit for spring. . .  and while I have done tons of walking with the mare, I wish to ride longer, and TROT!  Slick conditions make that near impossible.Truly, I NOT taking many risks these days..though my therapist told me today, " you have healed up in the quickest scenario.6 weeks. Usually with something like this, it can be up to 6 months!" Woo hoo....!!!

My mare's normal  sole "Tenderness" has come on. after the 2 glorious weeks of 80 degrees. She was getting pretty good at rock walking. Now, with conditions ripe for soft soles ....Grass, and mud softened hooves from moist grounds. Wa does have very good hooves for a TB, but the sharper, broken gravel used on properties and roads for loggers to use, make her wince and groan about having to travel on them. 
So getting "FIT" means getting a "FITTING" done too. My barefoot specialist told me that she could fit my mare for hoof boots from "Easy care". I told her, "nothing from Easy Care will fit her, all the Easy Boots in the line have specific measurements for a narrower hoof. My mare's hooves are round".  She then apprised me of the new "WIDE, Easy Boot Glove".
I am all in for trying this "GLOVE" by Easy Care, since my sister has used them on Pantz mare for years, they are super easy to apply!

Easy Boot "Glove" isn't this nice!

 I free lunged her for a spell, to see how they would hold onto her hoof. They will have gators on them when I use them, but this would be an interesting test. I knew that free lunging would come with outbursts of breaking the circle, but that is why I did that. She held it together for a few rounds and gait changes. I asked her to canter...yup-whoosh, off she galloped...and that boot stayed on her!
I am sold! 
Though...I should have done the "TRADE UP" plan through "Easy Care"; turning in my old "Cavallo" hoof boots for a 50% discount!!!   Next time. And if these work out the way I think they will, there WILL BE a next time!

Nearing almost 2 weeks of terribly cold and damp times here...the weatherman actually forecasted "a" single 75 degree day, and all sunny ! RIGHT ON! AMAZING~He was right!

A wonderfully warm and bright day!

I found the mare -out flat- laying in the field! She knew how to really take in the weather change. I saw her tail a flipping though, and as soon as I had finished my customary feed packet/supps bags for the week and came back out, she was up. When she spotted me, walked to the gate!

Flat out resting!

Riding ensued...into the Yellow blooms of May.

When we returned,  my mare was in head HIGH mode at a clanging bell noise. Now, we hear this bell noise all the time, since it is on a cow next door. But this time, probably because of the scenery changes of clear cutting going on by the stables, she took a special spooky mare stance. Me, not taking ANY off and we went in further towards the noise, to conquer it for ourselves, since she has never spooked with cattle before.
I started to moo a bit ( yea, it is laugh worthy)and that darned -HUGE- cow came a-running over to the fence to greet us!
All I can say is- I AM SO GLAD I GOT OFF!!
She tried to bolt left, then right...all at the end of the rope reins I was holding...but never did she pull on me! I told her, "They have to come through me first, to get to you..."
She finally settled....

Ear Left..............Ear right..........

And this is what we eventually could see...a big doe eyed cow!

She was so friendly..and very noisy dingle-lingling!

So now we wait...on some nice to us spring to happen again.Not that no-so-nice will stop us from getting into the forest riding, but with hoof boots, I am not chancing loosing them in mud!

 My poor garden...I didn't know to cover the plants and some of them look" over " trying to grow. Back to the farmer's market for some more starts!

Ah, fickle springtime!