You can shut your mouth now! I know you all thought that I only rode the trails !
Today, the mare and I visited a girlfriend and her mother that own a stable very near to us. It is gorgeous...very LIGHT and BRIGHT, open and LARGE. In fact it is the largest arena I have ridden in with the mare. They do driving so it is 20 feet longer than normal, as well as 20 feet wider.The footing is superb, as well. Non slick, no dust and about 4 inches deep. Perfect. The mare really enjoyed her ride...and so did I!
I am riding a new saddle, some friends down the rode let me borrow it the other is an English made jump saddle, as they are from Wales, England. Trying to figure out how much it is worth...but it's name is obscure, a "Hulland".
Looking at the pictures ..I see my stirrups are set for hacking out...way too short!
All in all it was an awesome ride and afterwards, I did Hack out on the nicely groomed trails they have made around thier property.
Next time..I bring the 101 Dressage exercises book! I need patterns for all this room!
Wow your horse is gorgeous! That arena looks awesome too, so bright.
ReplyDeleteawwww, Kacy, you are riding in a Coverall arena aren't you? The woman who used to work with me some with Gilly put one up last fall. She won't let anyone come there to ride unless they are paying her $35 an hour??? what the....??? They are nice covers and they keep you dry it would be nice to have something to ride in in weather, but here the weather rules! Gilly is glad, he gets time off then! LOL
ReplyDeleteYou guys look like you both really enjoyed the ride! Your mare looks so relaxed and like she is moving through in those photo's. Rides like that always put a big grin on my face!
ReplyDeleteSo nice that you are able to make use of such a nice indoor arena :)
Wa is lookin' very good! And a great arena indeed!
ReplyDeleteSee, you DO ride all the time. Thanks for those great comments last night!
You and your mare look great. I have that 101 dressage exercises book too. I use it all the time!
ReplyDeleteI'm back. What kind of saddle are you looking for? We have had saddle fitting clinics here for nearly 10 years
ReplyDeleteand I have learned that probably 85% of the people who ride don't know how to properly fit a saddle. I tried on many saddles before I settled on an Albion SL dressage saddle. My first saddle was a Stubben Tristan, and my daughter rode with a Stubben Seigfried. The Albion is like sitting on butter and my horse is very happy with it. Many people get their saddles reflocked on a regular basis. Check out Ann Forrest at
I love coveralls, my parents have one. Your mare looks great.
ReplyDeleteVery awesome!
ReplyDeleteI just love those coveralls on the areas, don't you? There's one at our trainers. It's the first one I've experienced and I think I'm sold! Light, bright and warm in winter! Well, comparatively anyways!
Wa really looks good in those photos! I bet she's a joy to ride!
Oh, what a dream to have a beautiful and bright indoor riding space!! Maybe...someday. For now, I'll be thankful to have an outdoor flat space that is finally dry enough to begin some conditioning on my fat, fuzzy, soft, lazy 4-legged eating machines!! Come to think of it, except for the 4-leg part - that fairly well describes me!! Oh do we ever need to get to work. Guess what!? Today, I am wearing a real shoe!! It it a size too big, but it is a real shoe - whoo hoo!! I too will be in the saddle soon....yeah!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures of the two of you!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the great pictures,while it has been almost 30 years since I have ridden I still think about it and dream about it and feel the rhythm of horse and rider as one .Thank you for the wonderful pictures you shared .
ReplyDeleteI have truly enjoyed them and been filled with many happy memories of my youth.
Have a fabulous weekend.
ReplyDeleteYou look FABULOUS MY DEAR! Wa is such a beauty! You are lucky to have a place to ride like that! Wonderful for working on specific patterns....little hard to do on the trail....especially with all the great scenery you've posted! Have fun! Luanne
Your mare is beautiful. What a great arena, I don't think I've ever been in one that wasn't standard sizes. Looks like you two are having a great time.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you enjoyed yourself and what a beautiful horse! I've always admired horses. Wonder why I never tried to ride one.
ReplyDeleteWow! Kacykins, what a lovely arena. Like you said, you light and bright! They are usually so dark. I'm glad you and Wa got to ride there and hope you get to more often, too. What an awesome opportunity....and you even get to ride some trails there, too! yay!
ReplyDeleteI love your happy smile!
Wa looked so relaxed and collected. Do you ever have to use that crop on her? She just seems like such a good girl all the time.
I'm so glad you get to ride in all sorts of places. Makes it more interesting and fun for both of you. :)
Alphtha Thanks so much...she is my stunning beauty mare..I am sooo partial though!
ReplyDeleteJane..yeppers..Coverall arena..nice friends I met when thay opwned a coffee shop near my salon..then in notced the horse picture on the wall and we hit it off from there! That is it because of wanting to give you a lesson?
Yea..sometimes time off can be benificial...Wa liked her time off when I was being simulated out of the last!
Steph It was a nice and relaxing ride...Just to familarize time will be school...I have not lunged in months..that will be fun and we shall see how she goes~I was grinning!
WilsonC Yea..need to muscle memory her to everything again!Those books are you have a favorite pattern ?
Lori Thanks for the saddle info..yea, I used that saddle on a trail ride the next day and it pinched her withers..too wide..I think she is a narrow. I put "Sore no more' on her and she liked that!
Veronica... I thought I rem,ebered that in some pic! Thanks..she is out of shape and so and I..I was huffing...not used to posting so long again...been on trails in two point more often.
O Sunshine! Yea..I took my PBO over there to see and am trying to get her to go ride there she can get "hooked" and put that kind up next year!!!!
A yea..she is becoming "a joy" to has taken so many barns and trainers to finally find a person to mentor us that knows exactly what they are doing with her personality..she has NO- ego- and is a lovely hearted gal! Wa is talented and jsut floats when she is in my hands..more often than not, these days!
Lorie Hi ya! I am sooo glad to hear you are recovering...good. I have had some spill lately..Wa slipping..and going down twice now..makes me rething eventing sometimes...and I almost see my healthy body -before my very eyes- being far she recovers and I land on my feet.
FAT-FUZZY-SOFT- LAZY...hahahaha!!!
I am shocked that the Wa is not really complaining of me right now..I am like "two all beef paddies" posting around on her back..I had a video..but decided it was gross!
Thanks Dusty~!
Terry...Oh I am so pleased that you came by and it gave you a glimpse of passion again! I will come by to see you...tried a minute ago but my computor froze up
Luanne Yea..I( on the trail) mainly stick to leg yields and sometimes a cirle with shoulder fore involved! I dso love that place and am trying to figure out how often I may afford to go! Wish the gal would let me do her hair..may work that angle!
Gray Horse I so thought of you when I looked at my picture with all my messy hair out of the helmet!! At least I had it on..I always do too!
Thanks..I love the Wamare..she tries so hard to teach me! those people drive horses/ponies...that is why it has larger dimensions
T Bruce ..well you still may try sometime..never a rental. Go to an accredited facility and meet your trainer..gel with them is so healing and such a resource to yourself, truly.
Lisa !! I ususally just "Show her" the whip..than if she does not move off my leg..I hit my boot next..that noise really wakes her up..then last resort..I tap once right where my leg is simulating my she really is not surprised and these days..I caryy it, but never use it..she has become so willing..I am pleased.
I am very thankful for 9our area of forests and private to explore!!
Check you out!!!! You and Wa look fantabulous! What a bright indoor, how nice you have the opportunity to use it. Sounds like you had a great ride.
ReplyDeleteWA looks so elegant in these photos..what a good girl.
ReplyDeleteTara! THANKS! I am so thankful to use that awesome arena and also that wa feels less constrained in the brightness. I have been trying to leave you comment for days and the blogger won't let me!
ReplyDeleteJules She is such a good girl! Thanks Jules..countdown has begun and you too will be in that arena with me!
Wa is looking so good and soft, you really do have the best of both worlds or riding trails and a superb arena!