~Some of These riders are fearless, when it comes to weather conditions and the forecasting of them...being with their horses, fills these folks' soul and takes the cares out of daily routines.
~They are unconditionally loving to the horse and may have rescued it from known ailment or living condition.~Others have researched and purchased/ acquired their horse, to find a difficulty in temperament or a physical burden within the animal. Yet, Being dedicated , they have persevered to proudly be in partnership with their horse, lovingly striving for deeper awareness's between them.
~Some horse lovers may have been riding for years and suddenly, had an accident that takes them away from the great joy and freedom they have, being aboard such a magnificent animal. ~They have allowed the healing horse to rise in their hearts once again, and beckon them back!
~INTREPID RIDERS FACTION ~We strive to go where others only dare to go with our horse loves...healing,being respectful of the horse, riding, playing, camping, jumping, swimming and traveling down the trails of life. . . . with the horse in Heart~Overcoming many obstacles and sometimes weather, to ride!
For my 200Th POST, I really wanted to follow through with something I have desired to do here in bloggerville, Create an award.
~This is a symbol or an emblem to give away to those we are aware of that have uniquely nurtured and loved the Equine in a special way.
In turn the equine has inspired them as well, to be more and to go further in trust and ability.
It honors the unique drive they have for going the distance, understanding the needs and rising to the occasion of supplying the care/training for, their entrusted Horse(s).
Awards make me feel good...not so much(sometimes) that a specific award was given to me, but that someone thought of me for an award. This one is thoughtful because it is specific.This award was born out of many people calling me a name...not a bad name, but one that I rather liked.
After looking up the meaning, I agreed.I added the "Faction" to the Awards name because ,I rarely fit into any large, organized group of people I find. I tend to stand out for being misread and judged for my joyful abandon to try things with my horse and to inspire others to do the same.
Fear is not my normal response to things ... just a desire to achieve higher understanding of what may lay ahead of me with my mare, that truly is a gift to my heart and soul.
I always seek out knowledgeable and caring individuals to assist me, in any quest I may look into.
I am taking with me the good I have gleaned from caring individuals that have shown great single minded LOVE to the horse, and am leaving the dust of the bad behind me, not allowing it to fetter my supreme desire to be all I can be :
-as a rider to my mare and also- to allow- her to be the Equine athlete she truly is!
There are not many rules with this award...JUST :
1)that you give it to only one person
2)link back to this post, so they may have an understanding to it's true nature
3) You may use any or all of the above written descriptions, with the award picture
(you also may use the simple black and white version on my sidebar)
Have fun and please know that I have been inspired by all of you here as you visit and comment on my silly little horsey blog...I have made some lasting and endearing friendships!!!
I herby bestow this award to:(and this is hard for me...I need to follow the rules I JUST created and give it to only one)...
the one in mind and heart that is deserving and I thought of as I created it>>>Dear LISA over at: http://laughingorcaranch.blogspot.com/
(Okay here is the disclaimer too...... I reserve the right to bestow it again, in a months time, to others!!!)
Kacy, you are most welcome, it was my pleasure to help out being a sounding board and wave the magic graphic wand! LOL
ReplyDeleteI can't think of a better first person to give it to. Lisa surely deserves this award!!!
Congratulations Lisa!!!
Jane and Gilly
lisa deserves it! and i'm passing it to my friend aarene, who took it way slow and careful for years, riding 75 mile endurance rides and purposefully coming in last, just takin care of her horse. i don't give awards to bloggers, but my friend aarene is the definition of "intrepid": )
What a great idea. Those are the horse people I have the most respect for. It is our job to advocate for our horses while taking the best care possible...and to also do something to help horses when people don't accept responsibility for them....we need to be their voice.
ReplyDeleteOh good...I am so pleased for you to take exception to the award and give it away! Your dear freind sounds like a woman after my own equine loving heart!
Lori I so agree!
Wow, cool!
ReplyDeleteCan I be a total dweeb and pass it back to Lytha? She moved from Seattle to Germany and then moved her HORSE to Germany so he could retire in comfort with her to tend his every whim.
If you are very good in this life, in your next life you can be Lytha's horse. She knows the real meaning of *forever home* for a horse.
Congrats Lisa!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cool idea, Miss Kacy!!! And Lisa is very deserving of this award. :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your 200th post!!!! Many more to come, right???
FOR ME???? Awwww....Kackykins you are just so gosh darn sweet, my beautiful, joyful, generous friend. You are always thinking of others and being so thoughtful.
ReplyDeleteI am so honored that you think of me in this way and feel me worthy of such a prestigious and meaningful award.
I don't think I am truly deserving, though, but I will accept and I will be happy to follow the award's rules and bestow this upon one other person who I believe meets all those guidelines aforementioned in this post.
You have touched my heart, sweetie...yet again.
Smooches for you.
Love ya!
What a wonderfully cool award that you have created! Congratulations LISA.
ReplyDeleteI love it! Congratulations Lisa!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the Intrepid Rider Award. (My first!) You are an inspiration. I wish we lived closer - we would no doubt share many happy trails!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Kacy,
Thanks you Kacy and Wa mare, this is a very special award and I am honored to have you bestow it on me. I love your mare and riding with you on your many adventures together. Thanks again, I'll think hard about who I give it to.