Halloween Bonfire

Velvet was a bit stiff today, she has been off work for a week or so and also has a new pasture configuration that makes her have to stay in every other day till another horse gets her hind shoes off. So, she only went out for 30 minutes with Wa and I.
Wa thought it -all to strange- that she not be returning with her Horse friend, when they turned to go back and we did not..and she threw a bit of a fit, that I WON!
So, today decided to go and Blaze some more trails off the "Deer Trail" that the endurance rider showed us last month...Wa actually thought it strange again..of me to ask he to consider the deer trail at first, it is rather steep and narrow. Not her kinda thing but,I really want to know she is going to do all I ask her and today= this was it. I had to move
Lots of trees and some rather large rocks off the trail I found to make. It has a steep ridge up on the one side and a cliff edge on the other...so I opted to throw them over..and whee ha! Wa just about had a cow the first time...she thought something was coming to get her... so I opted to do it over and over again till she did what she did in the video.Semi calmly stood for the rolling noises to stop.
She cracks me up truly. What a mare she is and yet she did so well with standing for me while I broke all manner of tree limbs all around her and even on her sometimes..I think we both need goggles, for it truly is messy and fiber stuff flies all aroundI am a bit sore..so off to the tub with Epsom Salts! I think tom orrwo may be the last 65 degree day so I am bathing Wa too !