I have had her for almost 4 years now and I have been completely FAIR..maybe not always correct but not in anyway hurtful or disrespectful.
It is not like we don't canter..oh we do canter, all the time and even in place at times(on purpose) It happens when I ask for slower and she keeps her cantering up instead of trotting.
I now ask for this on purpose , using half-go aides. It feels so wonderful!
We also do flying lead changes as well...this too- is just not all done to my cues. Last ride out we did 3 Tempe changes, to my great glee...but it was because of a shy and then I asked for her to move over to the other track again and she changed back then ,another shy! So, I find out she does what I want on mistake then I hone it down to on purpose!
Anywho...I went out to the nearby tree farm, with soft Doug Fir branched lanes, and warmed up going down the alleys in walk to trot to walk..then trot..and as I came out of the lanes I asked for "shoulder fore"around the endcaps and back into the lanes we went.
I then halted her-facing away from the stable as she can get excited going towards it. I sat my "chosen outside" seat bone down(these are straight lines) squeezed lightly on the inside girth- and= she did it-almost from a standstill, only 2 steps and CANTER we went..on the correct lead!
I was like cooing out loud, "OH!!! Good Girl!" As I pet her whither! !
I trotted some more and sit trot a while then halted. She complied again..no problems or backlash or evil-stinky eyeball at me!!! And here is the real awesome news....a surprise too!
She really REALLY put her back up and her head and neck went into the bit as she stretched out...I felt this rocking horse motion under me, and all of a sudden----I had seat contact and my heals automatically were weighted..and my lower leg..it was free to decide where to go and free to be used!!! I also felt something behind me!!! What a strange thing I thought.... It was the Saddle's Cantle as her back came up..whoa!!

Little did I know In would be needing it because I fell into a really great deal, of late, of this nice Dressage saddle for under $300. Then people selling it did not know how to use it and punched12 new holes(OOOU- BAD!) into the billets under the panel..and yes, it slightly dented the leather.
It is not the best make...in fact, it is unheard of, so far from my friends.
"Regency Gold" English made. It is supposed to be black, but the dye, I fear is not a good job and the previous handling may have something to do with it too...it was so dry and very mouldy; as well as bit bleached out. When I clean it, the black does come off a bit each time.
But, it is the right price at the RIGHT time. I am going to give back the Hans Biglajzer all purpose saddle I have been using for 4 years. It does not fit her anymore and has left white hairs on her wither pocket..she has more muscling now and hence a too tight of fit.
Sooo, the next day we went out for a calm trial ride..she seemed a bit tired and I decided to go a new direction and scope it out.....we went up and up a stony mountain road that was deep in the trees....I held the camera up above my head to take this one...almost able to see the view!

THEN.....it took my breath away, we reached the top finally and OH-WOWOWOW!!
We made plans to come back, and when you hear of the trip...you'll just have to start calling me
"The Gal from Stony Mountain"...yea picture -"The man from Snowy River" and then me, doing the same thing!!! Down some pretty cool trails!( only at the walk though!)