. . . That this riding adventure with my strong willed mare is taking us back to an enclosed arena for the winter with accessible trails.
I was dislodged AGAIN yesterday....and after a very nice session in the tree grove, consisting of long and low, light contact walking, to collection- without trotting in excitement by the time the reins are drawn up. Asking for trot from the long and low position without raising the neck or head up, but keeping the contact where it is. Upwards and downwards transitions on contact without hollowing or becoming an accordion, without air.
We even practiced some very nice collected walks to extension, every 8 strides or so. She was really fantastic and listening to my core movements. I had tons of audible praises for her and also her fav...the wither rub.
We halted, and she allowed me to square her up with only a "tickle "of heel jiggle on the side of the offending leg. We backed off my seat and repeatedly made the corner around the trees, as I simply looked to the next one to circle.
Though she was very unnerved and looking for the exit towards the barn for the first 20 minutes, she settled down to be a relaxed mare for me.
I think she is still very sore from her fence tangling of last weekend . Since the owners husband did NOT debrief me on the details...I have no clue if she went down or kicked a certain hind leg for 10 minutes or???!!! I have an appointment for her this Friday for therapy.
As we started, She was holding her breath and grunting, as if walking on rocks...so I knew I had to be light and relaxed with not too much happening this ride...pain is a recipe for disaster! I was going to keep this session to a minimum anyway, since I have not ridden Wa since last Monday and she refused to go down hills, I know she is out and I have been giving her massage daily and stretching her as well.
We had finished and I wanted to cool her some..I should have gotten off to do this.....(Should of -Should of-Should of!!!) but I decided to walk to a trail head across the street and then turnaround and go back to the barn. She balked...I persisted, and finally got off her and smacked her butt, making her go into the trail, which is up an embankment. She went up and in. I remounted, turned her towards home and as I lifted my foot and leg away from a close tree at the trails entrance...she just flew up and up and down the embankment...I was still in the air and then suddenly--on the paved street, on all fours- OUCH! As I watched her fly down the driveway, away from me..I got up to feel this very unusual burning in both my heals and ankles.I knew I probably landed on my heals then to fall forward. She ran for a moment, then came on back...I was in the direction of the barn after all...She looked sheepish and slowly walked to me as I asked her to with my arm motion. She put her head to my feet and we walked...well she walked, I hobbled back to that trail head...normally, I would get right back on. I could not. So I sent her into the trail a few times and asked for her to come out..just- one-slow-step-at-a-time. She amazingly, did exactly as I asked and with no rushing...even when I asked her to stop mid step on the embankment...leaving her hindquarters in the air and fronts in the ditch..she stopped till I asked for another step.
Seems like I can't be too mad at her...knowing she was sore, I asked too too much...but, I fear, the pattern is set now.
I have to have an arena..she can not be allowed to get away again + with no one on site..it is getting dangerous for me as well.
I called one arena near some trails..they will get back to me after they contact 2 folks about winter boarding again.
I will call another today...the one in the pictures . My only fear is...I do not think there is turnout..which may lead to her misbehaving in the arena too.